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Elorpheton "Elo" Deneus


Elementary School: Peabody School
College: Bryant University
Major: Business (undeclared)
Career Aspiration: Business Owner

Extra Curricula
Varsity Basketball, Varsity Football, and Track & Field

Favorite Class at CRLS
My favorite subject was History. I love the knowledge of the past and finding where it connects with the present.

Favorite Teacher
Too much to name. Those teachers are special because they have been there when I needed them the most.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
What I liked most about CRLS would be the fact that there was always something to do. In some way you can always find your niche or click you belong to. That was great because you can find friends all around you. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
That CRLS is not like any other high school in the country. CRLS actually stands by its motto of Opportunity, Diversity, and Respect. It is shown with the multicultural groups walking the halls of CRLS.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Don’t be afraid to experience all of the opportunities of CRLS. Enjoy your high school years to the fullest because along the roads of life you do not want to think back and say “what if.” Just have fun. Remember to do all of your school work and you’ll succeed in high school. Always remember to keep a smile on your face through any circumstance.

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