The Cambridge Public School District is committed to
implementing sustainable practices with a focus on energy reduction and
waste reduction. This Spring, in partnership with the Department of
Public Works, the School Department is pleased to announce the winners
of this year’s “RecycleCraze,” a fourteen-week recycling competition
facilitated by Meryl Brott, Recycling Program Manager (DPW) and Kristen
von Hoffmann, Sustainability Manager (CPSD).
Among the Cambridge Public Schools, first place was earned by the
Maria L. Baldwin School for recycling an average of 38.8 pounds per
student. The Fletcher-Maynard Academy and the Kennedy-Longfellow School
earned second and third place by recycling an average of 33.4 and 29.9
pounds per student, respectively. DPW presented each winning school with
a unique recycled metal trophy made by artist Anna Johansson.
A new Rockin’ Recyclers Award was given this year to the Baldwin
School for their efforts to educate and involve students in recycling
and waste prevention. Certificates of Achievement for extra recycling
and waste reduction efforts were given to: Roger Levesque, senior
custodian at the Fletcher-Maynard Academy; Stephen MacLellan, teacher at
Graham & Parks Alternative School; Joseph Signorelli, senior
custodian at the Maria L. Baldwin School; and Martin Wrin, teacher at
the Maria L. Baldwin School.
During the RecycleCraze
competition, the Cambridge Public Schools recycled nearly 59 tons of
paper, cardboard and containers, saving 899 trees, nearly eight
truckloads of trash from being sent to the landfill or incinerator, and
avoiding the use of more than 411,000 gallons of water.
Public Schools also recycle lunchroom styrofoam, metal furniture,
electronics, fluorescent bulbs, and non-alkaline batteries. The King
Open, Graham & Parks School, and the Cambridge Rindge and Latin 9th
Grade Campus compost their lunch food scraps.
To learn more about Cambridge Recycling, click here.
To learn more about Sustainability in the Cambridge Public Schools, click here.

In Photo: Maria L. Baldwin School first graders Mia Burbridge,
Jasenia Casanova-Dejesus, Peter Loutzenheiser, Shadnan Asraf and Jakari
Griffiths, along with teacher Marty Wrin, proudly hold their school’s
Rockin’ Recyclers Award and First Place RecycleCraze trophy. They are
pictured in front of the “Recycling Monster Truck” that was made in
their classroom out of recycled materials.