Spain: June 2011
the high speed train swept over the open spaces, ancient windmills
turned slowly and modern ones dotted the horizon. Twelve CRLS students
traveled to Madrid, Spain for the first part of a bilateral
international exchange with Instituto Leonardo DaVinci -- a
comprehensive high school located in Majadahonda, a modern suburb
outside of Madrid. Students were true ambassadors as they lived with
Spanish families while also taking in the local historical and cultural
sites such as the Roman acuaduct in Segovia, Picasso's Guernica at the
Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid and a Jewish synagogue in Toledo. In
addition, the group traveled to Cordoba and Sevilla where they spent
time in one of the largest gothic cathedrals of Europe as well as in the
famous mosque in Cordoba. Students were able to practice their
Spanish, see many of the marvels if this ancient land and also savour
the food including "Fanta" lemon soda.
Upon leaving, the CRLS students were excited as they next leg of
their exchange will mean that they host their new Spanish friends,
showing them Boston and beyond. The Spanish students will be arriving
on September 8 and will return to Spain on September 29. The language
department as well as the students have many activities planned during
their stay including a Thanksgiving Dinner a baseball game and special
classes during the school day where the Spaniards can really sample
American culture. This exchange promises to be a success and we hope to
continue this again next year and beyond.
England: April 2011
CRLS English Language Arts and Visual & Performing Arts
Departments co-sponsored "Curtain Time in London" (through the
educational travel company EF Tours), a 9-day tour of London and
surrounding towns. Thirty-two CRLS 10-12 grade students and 5 English
and Drama teachers spent their April break attending professional West
End shows, engaging in theatre workshops, touring Shakespeare's
birthplace in Stratford, following the path of Chaucer's pilgrims to
Canterbury, and walking in Jane Austen's foodsteps in Bath. We hope to
offer this wonderful opportunity for the classes of 2015, 2014, and
2013 again in April 2013, so look for notices about an informational
meeting this fall at CRLS! |
China: 2010
M.L. King School’s fourth annual trip to the Jiangnan Experimental
School in Hangzhou, China and the city of Shanghai, China, was a
memorable and moving educational experience. Click here to learn more. |
Beijing: April 2010
first is typically set aside for lightheartedness--usually pranks
carried out against unsuspecting friends, teachers, and colleagues. But
on this past April 1st a group of middle school students and staff
from the Fletcher Maynard Academy (FMA) had more serious matters on
their minds. Foremost on most of their minds was the matter of getting
to the airport on time. What time should they get on the highway to
avoid traffic? Should they take Storrow or 93? Wasn't the road in
front of the museum of science closed? Did I pack my toothbrush? Being
late was no option; they couldn't miss their flight to Chicago. For
if they didn't arrive in time there'd be no getting to Beijing! Read more >> |
Cambodia February 2010
February of 2010, six CRLS students, two CRLS teachers, and five
Cambridge Community members traveled to Cambodia. The primary purpose of
the trip was to attend the dedication ceremony of The Cambridge
School, a school in rural Cambodia that Cambridge community members
(including CRLS students) helped raise the funds to build. After the
dedication ceremony, we spent time working, playing, and building
relationships with the students at our school. In addition to our time
at the school, we also toured the capital Phnom Penh, visiting many
human rights activist NGOs and historical sites to increase our
understanding of the history, culture, and current social and political
struggles of Cambodia. Our amazing trip concluded with a breathtaking
visit to the ancient sites of Angkor. |
Other school trips this year included:
Dominican Republic in April 2011
Dominican Republic in April 2010
France in April 2010
Turkey in April 2010