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Jodanah Jean Baptiste

J Baptiste

Elementary School: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
College: Lesley University
Major: Biology
Career Aspiration: International Pediatrician

Extra Curricula
CRLS Acapella, CRLS Fall Musicals, Modern Dance Company

Favorite Class at CRLS
Early Childhood. I have a love for children, and this class helped me gain more experience working with them. It gave me an opportunity to learn about child development. I had three internships in very well-known children centers. It was a great experience over all.

Favorite Teacher
Steve Jordan. He is a very nontraditional teacher and teaches things that really makes me think and question life, society, and my part in it. He encourages his students to stray away from the standards that society has for us and actually do things that bring us happiness. I never felt forced in his class. I read and completed assignments because I wanted to, not because I had to. 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I loved the diversity of the school and the staff. I moved here from Haiti so I assumed that I would stand out wherever I went. I assumed that I would feel out of place, but that was the complete opposite. I fit right in because the student body is so diverse, and everyone is so kind and welcoming here. I have created a lot of strong relationships with a lot of the staff here because they are so caring and supportive. It’s because of those people that I made it this far and am able to graduate. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
This school is not like the typical high school. The student body and staff is so diverse. There are so many resources available for students. The people here truly care and want us all to be successful in the future.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Get involved. Try something new. There are a lot of things to get involved in. Freshman year is the time where students should get involved in all kinds of things in order to figure out that one thing that they want to commit to for rest of high school and beyond. Sign up for RSTA, join clubs, play a sport, audition for the musical!!!

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