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Raina Williams

Raina Williams

Elementary School: Cambridgeport School
College: Boston University
Major: Sociology
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
CRLS swim team, Northeastern internship during period 4, Kimbrough Scholars, Concert Band, and National Honor Society

Favorite Class at CRLS
English. I'm very fond of writing and reading. Most of the English classes I took at Rindge challenged me to take risks and discover new things about the English language.

Favorite Teacher
Mr. Jordan, Ms. Read, Mr. Shi, and Ms. Trayer.
Mr. Jordan's conversations about the class subjects in AP Lang, such as philosophy and other moral quandaries, were so informal yet eye opening due to his energy and knowledge on topics and the variety of ideas from each person in the class. Mr. Jordan gets 100 % credit for helping me edit my college essay. He also helped me fix my bike! 

Ms. Read was the perfect mix of a history teacher--unapologetically honest, personable, and knowledgeable. Ms. Read helped me to be more confident in my writing. 

I was so fortunate to be taught Chinese by Mr. Shi for all four years. He has become a great mentor and friend.

Ms. Trayer is a great teacher to get advice about so many life situations. I'm thankful for her being so open to me. 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I like how CRLS is successful at getting students involved in almost every club. I loved many of the visual and performing arts presentations, spirit weeks, and how much pride people have in this school. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
I think students unfamiliar at CRLS should know that the school is open in its friendliness to students. So many of the teachers will become great resources for you throughout high school!

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Freshmen, make your deans and guidance counselor and homeroom teachers your best friends! I had a great connection with them and they really do care about you. It's always good to have a good connection with them. 

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