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Liam Greenwell

Liam Greenwell

Elementary School: Baldwin & Peabody School
College: Brown University
Major: English/Humanities
Career Aspiration: Journalist or Writer

Extra Curricula
Register Forum (school newspaper), Varsity Golf, Varsity Sailing, Latin Club, Model UN, Lit Mag

Favorite Class at CRLS
Latin & English
Latin, first, was always a challenging, rewarding subject. I loved how I could see myself become better over the course of five semesters, and I loved how the language itself was logical but also open to interpretation. Ms. Giacchino’s enthusiasm was another reason why it was one of my favorite subjects. 

As for English, Mr. Jordan’s AP Language and AP Literature classes were my favorites during my time at Rindge. Writing has always been a part of my life—and has been a huge part of my high school experience, considering my work on the school newspaper—and these two classes (and English classes in general) helped me become a better writer, reader, and thinker.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Giacchino and Mr. Jordan
Ms. Giacchino always inspired me with passion for Latin, and her stories and wit never failed to lighten a dreary period translating the slog that is Caesar—or help illuminate the true beauty of Virgil. Latin classes move fast, but Ms. G still managed to make every concept understandable. And if I still didn’t get it? She was always able to meet after school or talk through something I was having a problem with (even if it wasn’t Latin related). I’ve seen very few teachers as earnestly dedicated to her subject and, more importantly, the well-being of her students.

Mr. Jordan is often intimidatingly smart. So it’s good that he’s also self-deprecating, hilarious, and a born showman. But this doesn’t distract from the deep thinking and self-reflection that goes on in any of his classes: if I had to list the ten class periods that changed the way I think the most, I would be surprised if they weren’t all from AP Lang or Lit. Thanks, of course, to Mr. Jordan’s deft handling of discussions and spot-on recommendations for individual work.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
It’s hard to beat the opportunities available. And I’ve had pretty much all amazing teachers.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
I am inspired everyday by my peers’ commitment to social justice. The amount of time and dedication people put into Club 4, the club that cooks and serves dinner at the two Harvard Square homeless shelters during the colder months, is staggering. I volunteered a few times, but I do regret not being more involved. I think what they do is truly awesome. Also, the multiple walkouts we’ve seen the past couple years have been well-executed and made their points well. It was inspiring to see people come together like that for such important issues.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Reach out to clubs you are interested in early. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself—especially when it comes to clubs like the Register Forum or Model UN—and get involved. It’s completely okay, more often than not, if you don’t have any experience or the first clue how to write an article or make a speech. Just get in there early and take advantage of the opportunities that interest you.

Also, high school is an ever-changing experience. Even if you have a bad semester—socially, academically, athletically, whatever—it’s definitely not the end of the world. Next semester, for better or worse, will be different. Just be sure to ask for help if you need it from a trusted teacher or dean. They are truly there to help. They want to see you succeed.

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