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Chiaki Kirby

C. Kirby

Elementary School: Shady Hill School
College: MIT
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Career Aspiration: Mechanical Engineer

Extra Curricula
Girls Varsity Lacrosse (co-captain), CRLS A cappella (Sassafras co-leader), National Honors Society (Vice President), Freshman Mentor, Club 4

Favorite Class at CRLS
Math. With math, there generally is an organized way of determining the answer, there are patterns and rules to follow and if something doesn’t work then there is always something else to try. I like that it isn’t as up to interpretation as other subjects are.

Favorite Teacher
Mr. Jordan. He talks to his students as though they’re adults, not children. He treats us like our opinions and ideas are just as important as anyone else’s, and that’s something that I think is really essential for young adults to understand.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I think what I like most about CRLS is that people are really comfortable being who they are and who they want to be. People aren’t afraid to dress how they want to or dye their hair crazy colors because the community is a place that makes people feel safe enough to express themselves in however way they want to. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
Academically, the school is amazing. The assumption seems to unfairly be that since CRLS is a public high school it can’t compete with the private high schools in the area. Clearly that isn’t the case, and the rising class numbers show that more and more people are starting to realize that. There are so many amazing opportunities to learn all kinds of things, and the school is really great at helping you find other places to learn once you’ve completed the courses available here. People really need to know this, because as unfair as it is higher education can be very expensive, and getting to go to an amazing high school for free is something that more people should take advantage of.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Don’t stress about keeping the same friends for all four years of high school. People change a lot at this age, and eventually you might come to the point where you and some of the people you used to consider your best friends just don’t really click anymore. Priorities change for some people, and as much as you might want to hold on to a friendship that once meant a lot to you, don’t try if all it does is upset you. Most importantly, if you do find yourself losing old friends, don’t be afraid to try to make new ones. Branch out from the same group you always talk to. It may be hard, but in the stressful and high-pressure world that is high school, having people that love you and care about you is an amazing thing.

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