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Adam Parise


Elementary School: Kennedy-Longfellow
College: Salem State University
Major: Sports Management
Career Aspiration: Sports Journalist

Extra Curricula
Media Club, Falcon Friends, and Sailing Team

Favorite Class at CRLS
Media Journalism. I’d say it’s my favorite subject because I felt like this subject helped me a lot towards my major since this will be my area of study plus I found it very interesting since I was a TA for the class last semester.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Nelson. During these last four years, Ms. Nelson has been very helpful to me and was always there for me during the good times and bad times. She also helped me meet and make new friends in the CRLS community and helped me overcome my fears. 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I liked how the school offered a lot of clubs for people to join because it gave everyone an opportunity to do something they were good at and everyone was treated fairly, as well.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
I think people should know that CRLS is a great school and gives an opportunity for everyone to do something they want and that it’s a very diverse school because there’s alot of opportunities here at Rindge.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Some advice I’d like to give to the incoming freshman would be to not be shy on trying new things, get involved in clubs/sports teams so you can make new friends and t

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