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Carolina Ramos

Carolina Ramos

Elementary School: Moved here from Brazil in 6th grade, went to Kennedy-Longfellow, and then Cambridge Montessori School.
College: Northeastern University
Major: Undeclared, but I will probably go into education or psychology.
Career Aspiration: I’m not sure yet, but I am leaning towards teacher or researcher.

Extra Curricula
Head of Fundraising for Sisters on the Runway, Volunteer at Club 4

Favorite Class at CRLS
This is a really difficult question. I enjoy most subjects, but I would say psychology. This is a class that I never thought I would be able to take in high school. I love learning about different experiments and their shocking results. Mr. Racki teaches in a way that makes you interested about the topics being taught and he leads great class discussions. This is the type of class that you have fun in while also gaining a lot of knowledge.

Favorite Teacher
There are too many to pick from! I would have to go with Ms. Reese, Mr. McGlathery, and Mr. Racki.

The hardest class I ever took at Rindge, personally, was AP Computer Science. Mr. McGlathery was always there to help me and other students. I’ve never had a teacher that was so willing to help me and didn’t make me feel stupid when I didn’t understand the concepts. Ms. Reese is a teacher that truly connects with her students, and she has become a friend to me. Often times you can see teachers judging students, but Ms. Reese takes the time to get to know her students in a more personal level and with that they are able to trust her and enjoy her class. Last but not least, Mr. Racki was definitely born to be a teacher. Although it might have taken him a few years to figure that out, you can see his passion when he teaches. When a teacher actually wants to be there with the students, it translates the same feeling to them.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
Being at CRLS really helped me become a more open-minded person, and for that I am forever grateful. I think that as individuals we are constantly learning, and Rindge provided me with a space where I could learn and better myself not only as a student but, also as a person. I am constantly discovering different opinions and I think I have become a better person because, I had the opportunity to go to school here.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
People who are unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the array of electives offered at the school. It is pretty much impossible to finish your high school career here without liking at least some of your classes. The best idea is to first complete your prerequisites so that you can browse through the course catalogue and pick classes you are truly interested in. This is also a great way to figure out possible things you may or may not want to pursue in the future.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Freshmen year it can be a little scary to put yourself out there and to truly take advantage of what this school has to offer. However, what people often forget is that everyone is in a similar situation, scrambling to find their place in such a big school. Don’t be afraid to start conversations with strangers, to join a club, or to challenge yourself in some way. There are so many opportunities here to take advantage of that you will regret not doing so from the very beginning. However, it’s never too late to face new challenges. You will never find the “right” time, so just go for it when the idea pops into your mind.

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