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Nate Dempsey


Elementary School: Shady Hill School
College: Harvard College
Major: Biology
Career Aspiration: Researcher

Extra Curricula
Crew Team, Club 4, Swim Team

Favorite Class at CRLS
Latin. Mostly I just love the teacher and my class, but I thought that the texts we read were super cool and interesting. Plus it always felt like a puzzle and really squeezed my brain.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Giacchino. She has an incredible and often goofy sense of humor, but she also is really passionate about teaching Latin. She also gives incredibly good life advice, and managed to keep a bunch of high strung juniors calm during AP Latin.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I love that most students at CRLS find themselves a niche in the school, but they’re still able to know a huge amount of people outside their immediate friend group. Everyone seems to know each other by the time senior year roles around.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
The fifth floor DOES in fact exist, unlike I believed for the first semester of my freshmen year. It is not simply a prank the upperclassmen are playing on you.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
If your course load feels easy, you’re probably not using all the resources Rindge has to offer. You only have four years so, do as much as you possibly can.

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