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Isabella Gray

Isabella Gray

Elementary School: Baldwin School (K-5) and Peabody School (6-8)
College: Bowdoin College
Major: Social Sciences
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Varsity Crew, Club 4, Environmental Action Club, Model UN, Junior State of America

Favorite Class at CRLS
History. There are so many amazing history classes offered at Rindge. Modern World and Constitutional Law were two of my favorites. Both these classes covered parts of history that are often not discussed in the traditional classroom setting, but are really important to understanding what it means to be a global citizen. Modern World forced me to think critically about the past and challenged me to think about and discuss complex topics like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US foreign aid policy. Ms. Otty’s approach to teaching validates the thoughts and opinions of her students and empowers them to rise to the challenge of unpacking modern history.

Con Law was the most fun class I have taken at Rindge. I really enjoyed reading Supreme Court decisions and writing my own oral arguments. Arguing before real lawyers and judges in Boston and DC was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in high school.

Favorite Teacher

Ms. Giacchino, Ms. Otty, and Mr. Jordan

I have never had a teacher who cares more about her students than Ms. Giacchino. Ms. G understands the importance of a strong classroom community and takes time out of each week to do Palio Pecunia and allow students to share stories about their lives. She always makes sure even the most shy students feel comfortable speaking up in class. I went into Latin unsure if I would be able to sit through a class devoted to learning a dead language, but Ms. Giacchino’s warm personality and excitement about Latin literature inspired me to stick around for five semesters as a student and one as a TA.

Ms. Otty is so knowledgeable and does an amazing job of encouraging students to think about history not as a narrative but as an “argument about the past.” She structures her class in a way that encourages all students to think critically about complex current events and issues.

Mr. Jordan is the best book recommender and I really valued the time he took to talk to each student individually about their independent reading. He is so obviously passionate about literature and the English language. His excitement is infectious and I never found myself looking at the clock during his class.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I really appreciate how the Rindge community is constantly striving towards making the CRLS experience better and more equitable for its students. Students and faculty are not afraid to be critical of the school and are constantly discussing ways to address its shortcomings. The spirit of activism is strong here and I always feel so proud to attend school here when I see students leading demonstrations, staging protests, meeting with administrators, and fighting for policy changes. CRLS is a great place to go to school and I feel confident that it will only get better as more and more people get involved with the movement to grant all students equal access to the amazing resources Rindge has to offer.  

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
While CRLS is a large urban public school and it can seem easy to get lost in the crowd, the amazing people who keep this school running truly are here to help you. The administration and teachers here genuinely care about their students. If you’re struggling in class or need accommodations made to help you reach your full potential, it’s not hard to find an adult in this building who is willing to listen and help you.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Take the first year or two of high school to explore your interests in and outside of school while you still aren't super busy with school work and thinking about your college and/or future plans. Students are inundated with college talk earlier and earlier in school, and I think it’s really important to take time to figure out what inspires you and makes you happy before worrying about post-graduation plans. Explore the city, volunteer with Club 4, try a new sport, meet people outside of you usual social group—there’s so many things to do and amazing people to meet at this school and it will definitely be worth your time.

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