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Jesse Simmons

J. Simmons

Elementary School: Amigos School
College: I am taking a gap year, and then attending Wesleyan University in the fall of 2017.
Major: Right now, I am thinking about Biology and/or Environmental Studies, and I will definitely continue to study Arabic.
Career Aspiration: I would like to work on environmental justice in some way, possibly as a research scientist, possibly through something else like policy, education, or some kind of outdoor work.

Extra Curricula
President of the Global Awareness Project, Soccer Team, Girls Next Door A Capella Group, Club 4, Habitat for Humanity

Favorite Class at CRLS
Arabic. First of all, I love learning Arabic. The language and writing is beautiful, and I have wanted to learn it since probably the fifth grade. What makes the class special, though, is not the language but everything else. The classroom environment is laid back and we are not afraid to digress. This leads to very interesting discussions about politics, international, national, and local affairs, and anything else you could think of. As a result, I have learned so much more than the Arabic language in my four years in Arabic. Mr. Dagher, the teacher, weaves in the culture and history as well, and the exchange does not just go from teacher from student, but from student to student and even student to teacher. I will truly miss having CRLS Arabic as part of my schedule every year. 

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Otty. Although I only had Ms. Otty once, for Modern World History this semester, she had a huge impact on me, and re-sparked my interest in history and current events. She is first of all an amazing teacher. She explains the material well and finds various ways of engaging the class and presenting the material. I could tell she worked hard to find the best, most relevant sources and lesson plans for our class. Furthermore, she created a very positive, relaxed, but focused learning environment. We always were able to expand on what interested us, and had interesting and enlightening discussions every day. She was always available for outside help, or just to chat about history or life. 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I have had really great experiences with my teachers. They have been very dedicated to the students, finding interesting sources, and constructing engaging curricula. Many classes have included a lot of open discussion, and teachers aren’t afraid to stray a little off topic in order to cover something interesting and encourage students’ interests. Furthermore, they have always been available outside of class time to give help and advice, whether it be about the course material or about something else. My teachers have taught me alot, not only about school subjects, but also about how to approach life, learning, and thinking.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
The RSTA program is great, and people should take advantage of what it has to offer. You learn really interesting material, gain practical skills, and get helpful career advice from people who have actually worked in the field. For example, many people don’t know about the Biotechnology program. The classroom has an impressive lab where students can run experiments that any professional lab would run, including PCR, electrophoresis, and even mammalian cell culture. We get guest speakers, tour real labs, and learn about current technologies, and also learn how to build a resume and network in the industry. 

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
There are so many opportunities for you to meet people who are different than you, so definitely seek out those experiences. Don't be afraid to reach out of your friend group and be open to new situations, because you will meet amazing people and learn a lot from it. Take advantage of the diversity of Cambridge, because it may be extremely hard to find once you leave. 

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