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Karolyn Lee

K. Lee

Elementary School: Tobin (K), Baldwin (1-5), Peabody (6-8)
College: Brown University
Major: Computer Science and Business
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Model UN, Tennis, Golf, Habitat for Humanity, Club 4, Girls Who Code, and A Cappella

Favorite Class at CRLS
Psychology. Mr. Racki made psychology such a fun and approachable subject. He makes sure his students are educated and up-to-date on current events - something that a lot of other teachers don’t take the time to do. Additionally, he shared several funny stories and really cares about the well-being of his students. Psychology is quite a broad subject but, he packs as much as he can into a semester while not overwhelming you. He also got Dan Gilbert to come speak to us which was a really cool experience.

Favorite Teacher
Mr. McGlathery is one of those teachers that really takes the time to get to know his students. He is one of the most smart, kind, and generous teachers I have ever had. If you come to him with a problem, he’ll help you work through it instead of just feeding you the answer. Computer science is a tough subject to teach because there are several ways to approach the same problem, but nonetheless, he is always able to understand your thinking process and help you go from there. He is so dedicated to seeing his students succeed. He stays everyday after school, sometimes for hours, helping his students catch up on work or understand different concepts. I’ve stayed after school several times and he always gives each student the attention and help that is needed. Additionally, he is really easy to talk to and can be super funny. Mr. McG strengthened my love for computer science and my overall appreciation for the staff at CRLS.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
At CRLS, you will see so many classes and clubs that can not be found at other high schools, and it’s part of what makes CRLS the unique place it is. Everyone can find a way to pursue what they love. There are so many opportunities presented, that when I entered as a freshmen, I was overwhelmed with all of the paths that could be pursued. There is definitely a club or a class for everyone, and if not, you can easily start one! Also, there are so many people and resources that make it easier to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. I’ve had so many great experiences with staff who have supported and helped me to get to where I am today.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
I think that it’s important to note how mature CRLS students are. I’ve taken a few classes where we’ve been able to engage in conversations about very serious topics surrounding race and gender. Though we have such a wide array of opinions, everyone remains very respectful of each other. Much of what is said during these conversations is very insightful and I find myself shocked by the thinking of my peers and even myself. It is amazing how CRLS students push each other to think in different ways and get out of their comfort zones.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
CRLS has some really great resources but you have to know that they’re there!! The tutoring center is super helpful and I wish I had taken advantage of it more. Also, build relationships with your teachers. They all have your best interest at heart and you’ll be surprised by how much you can learn from them aside from in the class that they are teaching.

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