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Ben Austin

Ben Austin

Elementary School: Graham and Parks
College: Harvard University
Major: Undecided (Probably Government or Law)
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Baseball, Golf, Water Polo, Student Government, Junior State of America, Model United Nations, Theater, Worked for Gubernatorial Campaign

Favorite Class at CRLS
History. I love reading, talking, and writing about history. The History department at CRLS also has some of the best electives I’ve taken. Shoutouts to Mr. Landwehr, Dr. Weaver, Ms. Cesario, Mr. Kells, Ms. Hylton, Ms. Otty, Ms. Berz, and Ms. Milner for creating classes and a department that fosters an enjoyable learning environment. 

Favorite Teacher
Jacqueline Cesario. I have had so much fun with Ms. Cesario and the entire Senior Student Government group. Ms. Cesario’s Constitutional Law class was also my favorite class at CRLS; We researched, read, wrote, and argued about different constitutional issues, and had a great time while doing it. In addition to being an awesome person, Ms. Cesario is also one of the hardest working people I know. She will do anything for her students, and I will miss her a lot next year! 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
The people. There are so many fantastic academic and extracurricular opportunities at this school, but the greatest opportunity is definitely the ability to interact with so many caring, funny, and ambitious students and faculty members every day.  

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
The open campus lunch is something that is special and unique to CRLS. There are a lot of different eating options off campus (and the cafeteria food also won best in the state, I think). Additionally, the green space outside the school makes for a nice place to eat and hang out on nice spring and fall days.

Another important aspect of CRLS is the strong collective will to confront and change problems seen in our community. There are certainly issues at CRLS.  These issues include race, gender, teacher representation, the dress code, the achievement gap, etc. As the student representative to the school committee, I worked with the community to address these problems throughout the the year. Though CRLS still has a long way to go, I saw groups from the district level to the school level to the classroom level work to get input on current problems and potential solutions. The commitment to student voice at CRLS is impressive. The entire community (including the School Committee, Superintendent Young, and Principal Smith) should be commended for their work this year and I am excited to hear about what progress is made in the coming years.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Go to as many school events as you can. There is so much extraordinary talent at this school and seeing kids who you have pass in the hallway belt out a ballad or throw down a dunk is a great experience. The basketball team won the state tournament last year and is going to come back stronger and better than ever next year. I met and became better friends with a lot of kids at this year’s basketball games. Cheering for your city alongside students, teachers, parents, and other Cantabrigians brings together a community like nothing else. The visual and performing arts department’s pieces and shows are also impressive and often compete on both the state and national levels. 

Also, become good friends with your guidance counselor! Shout out to Ms. Davis.

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