Brianna Duncan

B. Duncan

Elementary School: Morse School
College: UNC Chapel Hill
Major: Nursing
Career Aspiration: Nurse

Extra Curricula
Track and Field

Favorite Class at CRLS
Science. I just love it! You learn so much things about theories and do very fun experiments. I really love studying things like the periodic table, learning about the body. I could go on and on. I also tend to never forget the things I learn in my science classes.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Leonard. She is such an awesome lady. She invests so much time into her students and everyone in her class understands everything that is going on. Not a single student is ever left out. I really really hate math but, I always manage to pull out an B or B-, but it was hard. Yes there are days when I would get frustrated but, she never gave up on me. I finished with an A both quarters and an A on the midterm and final. I just love her.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
The teachers are really awesome. They really want to see you succeed. If you want extra help, they will stay with you and they will do whatever they can so that you can be successful. But it is really up to you.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
CRLS is really what you make out of it. Nothing in life is ever going to come to you. It’s up to you to make the best out of your high school experience. CRLS provides so much things that students can do. We have clubs, sports, theater, the library to do your work in a quiet setting and even homework center so take advantage of.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
I really think that more kids should participate in RSTA. You get to take a taste of every class and than you chose your sophomore year. You get to do programs like Health Assisting, Bio, Carpentry, Engineering, Creative Design, Work with children, Auto, and even Graphic Design. At the end of these programs you get a license so you can start working right out of high school. I would also suggest that they try things that they would never see themselves doing like art classes, music classes, photography, and so much more. Even trying out for different sports. 

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