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Emily Chan

E. Chan

Elementary School: Did not live in Cambridge
College: Gap Year and then Harvard College
Major: Undecided, but probably Computer Science, Business, or Design
Career Aspiration: Entrepreneur

Extra Curricula
Club 4, Charles River Cleanup Project, Crew, Sailing, Cambridge Literacy Project, Orchestra, Spring Plays, Alliance for Climate Education

Favorite Class at CRLS
Humanities. CRLS has an incredibly solid Social Studies department. The English and history classes I’ve taken here, particularly English 11 with Mr. Jordan and Modern World History with Ms. Otty, have changed my life, and a lot of my favorite teachers are located within Social Studies. CRLS also has a stunning Arts department, with teachers who are passionate, talented, and committed to their jobs.

Favorite Teacher
In my opinion, one of Rindge’s most distinctive qualities is the sheer number of outstanding teachers. I have a page in a notebook devoted to all the teachers I’m grateful for, and there are 32 teachers/staff members listed, so it was incredibly difficult to even try to narrow it down to one. 

That one person would have to be Mr. McGlathery; however, it would be wrong for me not to also give mention to Mr, Jordan, Ms. Otty, Mr. Racki, Ms. Menges, and Ms. Espinosa (though she’s not a teacher).

Mr. McGlathery is the most patient, kind, and dedicated teacher I know--he is one of the only teachers who seems take students as they come, and accept flaws and vulnerabilities without any sort of a fuss. Down-to-earth, funny, personable, and always welcoming and easy to talk to, I admire how he devotes himself to his students, staying after school every single day for hours to help them with computer science. 

Mr. Jordan brings incredible passion and serious philosophy to his students, and makes us consider the deep questions in everyday situations. 

Ms. Otty is one of the most knowledgeable teachers I know, and is simply a pleasure to learn from. 

Mr. Racki is passionate and energetic, and gives his fullest when it comes to teaching. 

Ms. Menges is extraordinarily talented as an artist, and pushes her students to overcome challenges as an art teacher. 

Ms. Espinosa has always been there for me, and has helped me get through anything high school threw at me.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I love the depth of the support and resources available to students, and the way that the staff and the faculty actually care about the students. Also, the school lunch is absolutely fantastic.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
CRLS is a larger school than one would think—by the time you graduate, there will probably still be a substantial number of people in your grade you’ve never even seen. Individual pockets of people tend of clump together easily due to extracurricular interests, so expect diversity of groups, not diversity within groups. 

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Take Arabic. It’s the best language at Rindge.

Get out of your comfort zone. Get involved, and do clubs and activities you never thought you’d be interested in, but make sure you’re doing it because you care about it and find it meaningful, not because you feel like you should.

Don’t be afraid to get to know your dean and guidance counselor. They want to know what’s going on in your life, so drop by sometime and let them know how you’re doing, whether anything exciting or important has happened to you.

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