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Paloma O’Connor


Elementary School: Graham and Parks
College: Harvard after a gap year
Major: TBD, but leaning towards either applied math or social studies (and maybe a minor in philosophy)
Career Aspiration: A lawyer (preferably in international human rights) or something to do with international relations.

Extra Curricula
The Register Forum, debate, and sailing.

Favorite Class at CRLS
Either English or math. English, because I learn something about the world and how to live in it every time I walk into class; and math, because it (usually) makes sense.

Favorite Teacher
I’ve had a number of great teachers, but my top two are probably Mr. Dagher and Mr. Jordan. 

I’ve taken four classes with Mr. Jordan, and he’s taught me about a lot more than poetry, prose, and literary devices. He’s taught me to write naturally, appreciate quiet, and enjoy reading again. He builds lively discussion in every class, and helps us learn from him, each other, and ourselves. Outside of class, I’ve enjoyed every conversation we’ve had about what book to read, his favorite sports teams, the Tao Te Ching—the list goes on. And while literary lessons and philosophical principles are often taught in isolation from the real world, Mr. Jordan transforms them into tangible changes we can make in our own lives. More than anyone else I can think of, Mr. Jordan singlehandedly changed how I go about my day. Also, his socks are fantastic.

Mr. Dagher is an inspiration. He taught me about everything from pluralizing nouns in Arabic to the history of Lebanon to fighting off raccoons in Costa Rica to resilience in hard times. He encourages organic conversation and respectful debate (even if it’s not ‘on topic’), resulting in the most eye-opening discussions I had in high school. Every Arabic class, no matter how different the students, felt like family—and that’s all his doing. He brightens each class with his ruler-dancing, jokes, and generous laugh, and you can tell how much he cares about every single student. It’s been said before, but it bears repeating—Mr. Dagher doesn’t just teach Arabic; he teaches life.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
There are a crazy number of interesting people here. I’ve learned a lot about everything from jazz to bell hooks to local politics from listening to them. We have a ton of opportunities available to us (if we’re willing to take them), and talking to each other is one of them. CRLS is full of people passionate about everything from the environment to intimate partner violence to Einstein, and that’s really cool.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
CRLS is by no means perfect. That said, there are few places as willing to stick up for what’s right as our school—and that’s really special.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Get a locker. And if you’re at all unsure about what language to learn, take Arabic!

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