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Nathan Quigley


Elementary School: King Open
College: Amherst College
Major: Math or History
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Varsity Soccer, Water Polo Club, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Latin Club, Math Club, Club 4, Model United Nations, The Register Forum

Favorite Class at CRLS
History (AP European History, AP United States History, Modern World History, World History II, US History I). I’ve always had a deep-rooted passion for history, something I’ve carried with me from Kindergarten onwards. However, the history classes at Rindge were unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The teachers loved not only their discipline, but constantly strive to make their students love the topic as well. I distinctly remember Mr. Kann’s giddy enthusiasm when describing his thesis on the sewage system in Miami or Dr. Weaver’s passion for the essays that our class wrote about the Emancipation Proclamation. While there were other teachers who deeply cared about the subject, no other department, at least in my experience, rivaled the history department in its comprehensive knowledge and passion.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Macias, Ms. Hughes, Mr. N. Throughout my high school career, I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy being taught by many spectacular teachers in every possible subject area. However, in having to narrow it down, there were three who stood out as life-changers; Ms. Macias who I had for World History 2 and AP European History, Ms. Hughes who I had for English 11 and AP Lit, and Mr. N who I had for AP Physics.
Ms. Macias was truly the perfect history teacher. She combined a deep love of the subject with an unparalleled joy for teaching; a combination which resulted in every single class being unique. She was willing to take the time to both discuss the intricacies of the Communist Manifesto as well as run a game of idiom-based charades the day before break. Even though I loved history before arriving at Rindge, Ms. Macias instilled a passion for the subject in me that will carry on throughout my life.
On the other hand, Ms. Hughes saved the entire subject of English for me. While I’d always enjoyed reading, I’d never truly been attracted to high school English classes until English 11 until I stepped through Ms. Hughes’ door last spring. She was the first teacher I had ever met who not only watched Game of Thrones but had read the books as well. She was an ardent student of the Civil War and she loved Walt Whitman. The conversations that I had with her about literature truly shaped my understanding of the English language, and I can say, without a doubt, I am a better writer thanks to Ms Hughes’ guidance.

And then there’s Mr. Nigdelioglu (or Mr. N as the vast majority of the school knows him). Though I didn’t have him for Freshman Physics, I was lucky enough to both take AP Physics with him as a Junior and then travel to Turkey with him last summer. He is one of the funniest and most generous people, let alone teachers, that I’ve ever met and his dedication to each and every one of his students brought out the best in all of them.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I know this isn’t the most original choice, but the opportunities at CRLS are truly incredible and I was incredibly lucky to be able to take advantage of them. At the most basic level, there are countless amazing clubs at Rindge, ranging from the typical (Model UN, Speech and Debate, etc.) to the special (Latin Club, Water Polo Club, and others). Beyond the clubs, I was able to take classes at Harvard Extension School for free and many other students have found great internship opportunities in and around Cambridge and Boston. Lastly, CRLS offers a spectacular variety of travel opportunities to its students. Within the span of a year, I was able to travel to Turkey and then go on an all-expense-paid trip to Costa Rica thanks to the Glocal Challenge. I’d challenge anyone to find another school that provides such incredible opportunities to its students.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
The Register Forum is squadded. You should join ASAP and you will not regret it.  Also, shout outs to Model UN and Club 4.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and take classes/participate in activities that you might never have seen yourself involved in. If you love math and science, take a history or arts class. If you’ve never really been that into sports, head to the pool and try out water polo or join any of the myriad sports teams. You might think that you have your entire high school life already planned out but trust me, you don’t. If you’re open-minded, I guarantee that you will enjoy your time at CRLS.

(Also, as a side note, stay on the right side of the staircase and please do not stop in the middle of the hall way. Everyone will hate you for it.)

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