Recent Lottery Data

The Student Registration Center has developed the following four tables in order to provide parents with some additional information that might be helpful in their school selection process for the upcoming Preschool/K Lottery. The tables are only estimates and, other than the numbers in column A, all other numbers are likely to vary by the end of the Registration Process in January. Please keep in mind that these tables include estimates, and they do no guarantee seat availability. Download the data >>

How Many Seats Are Available At Each School?
Each year, approximately 85% of students receive one of their three school choices, and additional students move off of the waitlist and into a chosen school by the start of the school year.

Please Keep in Mind

  • Families wishing to select a school where they do not have proximity, sibling, or language “bonus points” may find that a school with open seats may have fewer seats available in either the “Free/Reduced” or “Paid” Category. At this time, it is estimated that the maximum percentage of “Paid” seats will be 74% and the minimum percentage of “Free/Reduced” seats will be 26%. Similarly, the maximum percentage of “Free/Reduced” seats will be 46% and the minimum of “Paid” seats will be 54%.

  • Some schools become more chosen over time; therefore, past history is not necessarily a perfect predictor of future choices.

  • Families who receive none of their school choices are automatically placed onto those schools’ waitlists.

  • This is a lottery; there are no guarantees that past patterns will be repeated in the future.
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