HET Instructional Task Force

Desired Outcomes
To identify and recommend to the Superintendent for consideration, a viable and sustainable model of instructional support for teachers that will continuously develop capacity for skillful practice.

Develop a shared understanding of best coaching models and practices, establish clarity and coordination of where we are going, and establish how we communicate that to the Cambridge Community.

Charge to the Group
“To identify and recommend to the Superintendent for consideration, a viable and sustainable model of instructional support for teachers that will continuously develop capacity for skillful practice.”

Parameters re: the report -- none, some, all or some altogether new recommendations may be our final message forward.

Improving classroom teaching and Learning is the missing element from the national agenda of Ed. Reform…and a powerful, well thought-out and implemented program for on-site instructional coaching can be the dynamic engine that makes each school a reliable engine for constant improvement of student learning. [District Results in the 90s]

2015 Meetings
March 19 | 3:30 - 5:30PM | Bilingual Conference Room | Agenda | Minutes
April 16 | 3:30 - 5:30PM | Bilingual Conference Room | Minutes
May 14 | 3:30 - 5:30PM | Bilingual Conference Room
June 25 | 8:30AM - 2:30PM | 2nd Floor Conference Room
July 6 | 8:30AM - 2:30PM | 2nd Floor Conference Room
July 15 | Draft Recommendation Document & Final Feedback Loop
July 22 | Submit Final Recommendation Document to the Superintendent

Helpful Documents
HET Instructional Task Force Work Update: July 2015
Full Evaluation Report from Dr. Mitchell

Members of the Committee
Maryann MacDonald - Assistant Superintendent Elementary Education
Carolyn Turk - Deputy Superintendent
Jessica Huizenga - Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction
Victoria Greer - Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Karyn Grace - Coordinator for Curriculum, OSS
Nancy Campbell - Principal Elementary
Chris Colbath-Hess - Program Manager for Educator Development
Sarah Foleno - ELA Coach - Vassal Lane Upper School
Janice Tingle - ELA Coordinator
Julie Craven - Social Studies District Coach
Barbara Allen - Executive Director Human Resources
Mirko Chardin - Upper School Head
Dan Monahan - District Science Coach
Terry Gist - Union President
Parent Representative - Sachiko Tanaka Rodes
Steve Kelly, grade 5 - Peabody
Kris Newton, science teacher - CRLS
Liz Hill, grade Preschool/K teacher - King
Jennifer Ford - Principal, Peabody
Eileen Gagnon - District STEM coach
Jaime Frost - Tobin Montessori ELA coach
Samantha Headley - ELA coach, Morse Elementary School
Khari Milner - Out of School Time Coordinator
Vera Duarte - ESL Coach
Michelle Madera - Coordinator of Bilingual Education
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