What courses will I take at HSEP?
HSEP structures its academic program so that students in grades 9 and 10 take the majority of their requirements in these years. Students in grades 9 and 10 will take ELA 9 & 10, Algebra 1, Geometry, Physics, Biology, US History 1 and US History II. Students will have an opportunity to take a choice course once per week and will also take ASL and a Makerspace course.

Students in grades 11 and 12 will participate in Project-Based Learning courses that are interdisciplinary. These courses will integrate standards from ELA 11 & 12, various science courses, US History, Civics, US Government, Law, Algebra 2, Geometry, Business Math, and a wide variety of courses in Art.

Can students receive an internship?
All students at HSEP will have an opportunity to participate in an Internship or Job Shadow during the school year. Students must apply with our Internship Coordinator to participate and meet our criteria for representing HSEP in the community.

When can I apply?
HSEP accepts applications at all times, but will allow student admission for either the beginning of the first semester and second semester. Our application is available on our website and should be completed prior to setting up an appointment for an interview.

If I attend HSEP can I still do after school activities at CRLS?
All of our students, if eligible, may participate in after school activities at CRLS, including athletics.

Can I take RSTA classes and attend HSEP?
Dependent upon schedules students may take courses at both RSTA and HSEP if they are in good academic standing and attend school regularly.

Will HSEP provide special education services for students?
Yes, although the special education plan will determine whether these services can be provided to the extent necessary.

Will HSEP students earn a Cambridge Public Schools diploma?
Yes, all students who attend HSEP will receive a CRLS diploma.

Where is the Longfellow School and how do I get there?
The Longfellow School is located at 359 Broadway in Cambridge, MA – about 6 blocks from Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. It is easily accessible by bus or “T.”

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Contact Us
High School Extension Program
359 Broadway, Longfellow Building
Cambridge, MA 02139
617.349.6880 | Fax: 617.349.6306

Principal: Ryan Souliotis
Senior Clerk: Ashley Goodwin

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