Course Designation

Course Designation Diagram

Program Qualifications: Some programs at CRLS require students to complete a specific course or combination of courses. More information about these programs and their requirements can be found in the beginning of the course catalog.

Course Designation/Level:
Course designations appear on all grading and transcript records to help identify the level and type of course. These designations include:

AP: Advanced Placement 
HE: Health 
HN: Honors Level (Intensive pacing for independent learners)
IN: Internship
PE: Physical Education 
PF: Portfolio Art
SE: Sheltered English / Bilingual
TC: Technical / Rindge School of Technical Arts
UM: University of Massachusetts

HONORS AND ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES: These courses include highly challenging material that is presented at an accelerated and more intensive pace, and require advanced reading, writing, verbal, conceptual, mathematical, and study abilities.

Advanced Placement courses meet standards for content and rigor that are established by The College Board, and they will be weighted differently by admissions office in order to calculate the weighted high school GPA.

NCAA: Students seeking to play NCAA Division 1 or Division 2 college athletics must ensure their CRLS core courses are NCAA approved. Additional eligibility criteria may be found at

Course Title: This is the title of the course. This will appear on all grading and transcript records along with the course prefix designation.

Course Number: Each course is assigned a number for scheduling purposes. These numbers begin with a letter representing the department which offers the course.

Course Description: Each course provides a description in order to guide you in the course selection process and in choosing the appropriate class based on your needs and interests.

Credit Assignment: The credit assignment is how many credits a student will earn upon successful completion of the course.

Grade Levels: Students must be in one of the grades listed to take the course.

Pre/Co-Requisites: Many courses require that students meet a given Pre or Co-requisite before entering the class (For example, if students select Epidemiology, they must have successfully completed Physics, Chemistry and Biology).
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