Programs And Services For High School Students

During a student’s 8th grade year, their elementary school Individual Education Program (IEP) team will hold a transition meeting to identify services needed to support academic success at the high school. Students’ high school IEP team will assume case management and ongoing evaluation of students’ academic functioning and progress toward IEP goals.

Support In Full Inclusion Classes
Students with Individual Education Programs may receive support from special educators or related service providers while enrolled in general education classrooms. General education teachers may be offered consultation by Inclusion Specialists and other special education staff in order to ensure that the delivery of instruction is appropriate to students’ learning needs as identified in their IEP.

Co-Taught Classes
Students on IEPs with more significant academic challenges may be enrolled in Co-Taught Classes. Co-taught students are fully mainstreamed with typical peers in standard curriculum courses that are taught by one general educator and one special educator. The special educator will assist the general educator and the student by helping to modify the instruction, performance criteria, methodology and content based on the student’s needs.

Academics Program
The Academics Program is a substantially separate classroom for students with diagnosed learning disabilities who intellectually understand concepts but lack skills to successfully implement those concepts due to their disability. A special educator is responsible for the delivery of instruction and implementation of the accommodations and modifications stated in the student’s IEP while being exposed to major concepts of the general education classroom in accordance with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

Basic Academics Program
Students in the substantially separate Basic Academics classroom work with a special educator and have a diagnosed intellectual impairment. Students need specialized instruction regarding curriculum concepts and assistance for academic skills. The curriculum is broken down into small obtainable tasks which are related to real life experiences. Students receive a modified instruction method, performance criteria and content and are also provided with supplemental vocational training while being exposed to major concepts of the general education classroom in accordance with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

Structured Academics Program
The Structured Academics Program is a substantially separate classroom taught by one special educator for students with a diagnosis of emotional disability and significant behavioral concerns. These behaviors prevent students from accessing, participating and progressing in the general education classroom. Students are taught in a highly structured classroom in order to manage their behavior and are given direct, specially-designed instruction. This program exposes students to the major concepts of the general education curriculum within a more appropriate setting where emotional and behavioral issues can be addressed.

Functional Academics Program
This program is for students with diagnosed Intellectual Impairment between the ages of 18-22 years old. The focus of the program is functional academics with inclusion in social life at CRLS and beyond. Students require direct, specially designed instruction and are also provided with vocational training. Students in the Functional Academics program are scheduled individually based on their needs. Services may include travel training, job internships, and life skills, among others.

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