Why Student Data Privacy Matters

Why Student Data Privacy Matters
In today’s world of advancing online resources teachers, students, and parents are benefiting from an ever increasing wealth of tools to support teaching and learning. The growth in these tools is extraordinary with great potential to improve student outcomes. Along with this explosion in growth of online learning tools, comes the inherent risks of leakage of student data and understandable concerns over student privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of data is collected about students? 
DQC “Why Education Data” can answer this question.

What kind of information is collected about parents?
DQC “Why Education Data” can answer this question.

How is student data used?
DQC “Why Education Data” can answer this question.

Who has access to data about my child?
CPS District policy dictates that only CPS staff that are directly responsible for education services to a student will have access to that student’s education record.

Who is responsible for protecting student data?
All CPS staff, as well as students and parents have a role to play in protecting student data and ensuring privacy.

Are there existing laws that protect student data? 
Learn more about the laws in place.

How do schools hold outside service providers accountable for maintaining the confidentiality of the student data they receive?
CPS has a well established protocol for vetting all outside providers prior to sharing any student level data. Data is only shared when one of the FERPA exceptions conditions is met. When data is shared, for specific educational reasons, a formal data sharing agreement is established. This legal contracts dictates the reason for the data sharing,as well as all the protections that will be in place, bot during the relationship as well as certifying the deletion of any data when the agreement terminates.

Who owns student data?
The student and guardians own student level data.

What constitutes student Data?
Student Records: any non aggregated information directly related to a student that can be acquired through the use of educational software or systems.

Student Information: any personally identifiable information or material of a student's created in any media or format that is not publicly available.

Student Generated Content: any materials created by a student.

What is the CPS Media Release used for?
In Cambridge Public Schools, the media releases allows educators to capture student voice, image, or work. When the media release is signed, educators use it as a way to capture student work for portfolios, label student cubbies with their photo, record student thinking and growth, create student news, capture field trips, field days, assemblies and a lot more. This then can be posted to school websites, school newsletters, classroom websites and newsletters, and on school or district social media pages. Read more FAQS about the Media Release >>

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