Tech Support for Families

If you can’t find the answer to your questions, below, please contact your child’s teachers. If you’re stuck, you may also reach out to [email protected] for technical support.

Google Accounts & Google Classroom
All students at CRLS have their own CPS-issued Chromebook, and during emergency school closures, Chromebooks have been provided to younger students as well.Teachers use Google Classroom as a “home base” for giving assignments, communicating (via email or Google Meet) and organizing student writing and presentations.

Accessing student Google accounts at home:

  • CPS Google Accounts: or log in to any google site (drive, docs, etc.)
  • Google Classroom:
    • Teachers will likely share things in Google Classroom for Grades 3-12. To access Google Classroom, go to
  • Username/email: year of HS graduation + first initial + last name
    EXAMPLE: [email protected] (3rd grader)
  • Password: Many older students select their own passwords. Younger students’ passwords are abc123@@
  • Handy ways to reach out to teachers: Students can email teachers using their Google email, or can share a Google Doc with a teacher to ask questions.

Troubleshooting CPS Hot Spots (Jetpacks)
Verizon Jetpacks (internet hotspots) have been provided to families identified by school leaders and family liaisons as facing internet challenges.

  • Access: CPS Hotspots will only work with CPS Chromebooks.
  • One per Household: Multiple CPS Chromebooks can connect to one CPS Chromebook, so households with multiple CPS students only need ONE CPS Hotspot.
  • Instructions: Instructions were delivered with Hotspots in multiple languages: English, Spanish, Amharic, and Portuguese.
  • Grades 3-8: Students have received hotspot deliveries on a rolling basis as they've been identified by schools.
  • Grades Preschool-2: These will be delivered with the Preschool-2 Chromebooks, which have not yet arrived from the vendors.
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