Bridge to Algebra Program

bridge to algebra graphicThe Bridge to Algebra Program (Comprehensive Algebra Modules) is a self-paced program for all 8th grade students with the opportunity to demonstrate, deepen, and strengthen their mathematical understanding of Algebra 1 standards.

Under the guidance of Upper School and High School educators, you will: Bridge to Algebra

  • Work through mathematics modules independently at your own pace to build confidence, skills, and understanding.
  • Attend and engage in guided mandatory synchronous check-ins to engage in mathematical discussions and ensure understanding of content.
  • Strengthen and deepen your understanding of mathematics to prepare for your 9th grade mathematics experience at CRLS.

The program will run for 20 weeks at each upper school and ensures that scholars are provided the opportunity to engage in the CRLS Algebra 1 Content. CPS 8th grade scholars will be able to work independently through learning modules and have in person as well as virtual 1-on-1 check ins with Facilitating Teachers.

Registration for School Year 2024-25 will begin

  • Registration: Registration will begin Late October/Early November 

During the School Year:
The program will run for 20+ weeks at each upper school and ensures that scholars are provided the opportunity to engage in the CRLS Algebra 1 Content. CPS 8th grade scholars will be able to work independently through learning modules and have in person as well as virtual 1-on-1 check ins with Facilitating Teachers.

Criteria for placing out of Algebra:

  • Students must attend more than 80% of the programs in person meetings.
  • Students must complete more than 80% of the Module content.
  • Students must complete every check for understanding mini-assessments.
  • Students must get above an 85% on the program's final assessment. (Note: Students cannot just take the final assessment.)
  • Facilitating Teachers will put forth their recommendation to the Dean of Curriculum at CRLS, Josh Marden upon completion of the program.

Additional Information

  • At CRLS you will be required to take a math course every year. Algebra 1 is the foundation of all our high school math classes, hence it is important that you find success and build confidence so you can excel in your 9th grade math class!
  • The program is 100% designed and developed to meet your needs, and you will get the opportunity to preview OR master Algebra 1 content.
  • You get to work at your own pace, engage as you feel comfortable, and work 1-on-1 with a facilitator.
  • At CRLS taking control of your math pathway can lead to taking electives and other courses earlier on in your high school career!

It is important to note that this program does not provide explicit in person instruction of Algebra 1 concepts. The content and delivery format of this program allows students to engage in mathematics, and be provided support when needed. The content will build on 8th grade learning and Algebra 1 concepts which are explored in CPS 8th grade classrooms.


Register Now for 8th Grade Bridge to Algebra Program
CPS Math Presentation: 5.18.23
Plan to Add Algebra I into 8th Grade Curriculum: 8.9.2023
Math Placement for Arriving 9th Graders: 3.23.2023

Department Information

Elementary Math

Middle School Math

High School Math

District Information
  • MA Math Curriculum Frameworks (Coming Soon)

Contact Us

Siobahn Mulligan, Director of Mathematics
Heidi Fessenden, District Instructional Lead Teacher (Early Childhood/Elementary)
Deepa Bharath, District Instructional Lead Teacher (Elementary/Upper)

Katisha John, District Instructional Lead Teacher (Upper/High School)
Josh Marden, Dean of Mathematics, CRLS (9-12)
Kelley Leary, Clerk

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