English Language Arts

Our Department’s Vision for ELA & Literacy Instruction

Cambridge Public Schools scholars are empowered to use literacy as a tool for communication, self-expression, access and agency. Instruction is research-based, joyful, rigorous and relevant, building a wealth of vocabulary and content knowledge through rich texts and media. Scholars develop their voice and independence as critically conscious readers, writers, speakers and learners through materials that are inclusive of diverse authors, genres, cultures and perspectives. Scholars are empowered with the knowledge and skills to live choice-filled lives that positively impact the world around them.

How Has Literacy Instruction Changed?
The MA Literacy Guide highlights 4 key shifts from outdated to evidence-based literacy practices:

Shift #1: Provide explicit, systematic instruction in foundational skills to every child.
Common misconceptions: Only some students need phonics; Some words can’t be decoded and must be memorized.

Shift #2: Build comprehension by engaging all students in complex, topically connected text sets.
Common misconception: Students should work on comprehension in texts at their “instructional level.”

Shift #3: Use small-group reading time to target foundational skills or comprehension of complex text.
Common misconception: Reading with leveled text is the best use of small group time.

Shift #4: Provide time on all aspects of literacy (reading, writing, speaking & listening), every day.
Common misconception: In grades K-3, phonics needs to be the focus and should be the vast majority of instruction.

Learn more >>

Guiding Research & Recommendations
ELA/Literacy curricula & instruction in CPSD aligns with:

ELA/Literacy Department Goals

By June 2027: Scholars and educators across all CPS K-8 schools will engage in high quality teaching & learning opportunities through implementation of common, research-based and culturally responsive literacy curricula.

Curriculum adoption timeline:

  • By June, 2024: Implementation of Fishtank Curriculum (6-8)
  • By June, 2025: Initial Implementation of Focus & CKLA (CPP-5)
  • By June, 2026: Full Implementation of Focus and CKLA (CPP-5)
  • By June, 2027: Preschool-12 Alignment of Literacy Curriculum & Instruction

Goal measured by:

  • Curriculum review process and outcomes; 
  • End-of-year student, educator & administer surveys; 
  • Classroom observations
  • Student outcomes: achievement and growth 
All student demographic groups will meet annual state accountability targets for ELA growth and achievement, consistently closing disparities in student outcomes. 

Goal measured by: 

  • Annual DESE Accountability Targets and Results (MCAS 3-8, 10)

By June, 2025: At least 90% of students performing below grade-level will receive data-driven, multi-tiered intervention opportunities to address and prevent literacy difficulties early on. 

Multi-tiered instruction will include:

  • Common, research-based assessments (2023-2024)
  • Common, targeted instructional materials (2023-2025)
  • Progress monitoring at the appropriate frequency (2023-2025)
  • Ongoing, data-driven shifts to student groupings (2023-2025)

Goal measured by: 

  • mCLASS completion reports and results (student outcomes)
  • Progress monitoring fidelity reports (general and intervention)
  • Classroom and intervention schedules
  • Staff surveys and classroom observations.
Literacy educators, coaches, interventionists and administrators will receive clear, ongoing communication, professional learning opportunities and resources to build efficiency and alignment of systems, practices, knowledge and support.

Goal measured by: 

  • Coach & intervention mtg feedback
  • Professional learning agendas and feedback
  • Tri-annual staff bulletins & caregiver communications 

Curriculum & Instruction

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Contact Us

135 Berkshire Street 
Cambridge, MA 02141
Fax: 617.349.6517

Emily Bryan, English Language Arts/Literacy Department Director
Allice Wong TuckerDistrict Instructional Lead Teacher: Literacy, Preschool - Grade 2
Maria MarroquinDistrict Instructional Lead: ELA/Math, Preschool - Grade 2

Katherine Simpson, District Instructional Lead: Literacy, Grades 3 - 5
Katie GribbenDistrict Instructional Lead: Literacy, Grades 6-8+ Transitions
Jennifer Hamilton, Dean of Curriculum & Program, English (Learning Community C) CRLS
Kelley Leary, ELA & Math Clerk

Meet our School-Based Literacy Interventionists >>
Meet our School-Based Literacy Coaches >>

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