Rindge School of Technical Arts (9-12)

Rindge School of Technical Arts

The Rindge School of Technical Arts offers career and technical education to Cambridge Rindge and Latin School students. With state-of-the-art equiPMent and highly trained staff, RSTA prepares students for postsecondary education and careers in some of the fastest growing professions in the world today.

In recent years, RSTA students have garnered numerous awards in areas including engineering, automotive technology, and information technology. Our college admissions rate exceeds the rate for CRLS as a whole, and recent RSTA majors have gone on to colleges including Boston College, Boston University, and MIT, among others.

The City of Cambridge and its surrounding communities are rich in technology, and we have designed our programs to reflect our commitment to prepare young people for continuing education experience at postsecondary institutions or to enter the workplace upon graduation. For instance, RSTA’s Media Arts Studio features the same state-of-the-art equiPMent found at CNN and ESPN studios, including a three-camera production studio and control room, master control room for transmission of three community cable channels, an editing lab, and field production equiPMent.

Our biotechnology laboratory features state-of-the-art equiPMent used for college-level projects such as splitting genome cells. A recent $100,000 grant from the Mass Life Science Center was used to upgrade computer equiPMent, fund an in-house mammalian cell culture facility, and expand the program’s technical capability to include high performance liquid chromatography.

RSTA offers 11 Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study: Automotive Technology, Biotechnology, Carpentry, Computer Science, Creative Design, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Early Education and Care, Engineering, Health Assisting, Information Technology, and Media Technology. RSTA also offers courses in Business Education and Bank Operations. Our popular Freshman Technical Arts Exploratory exposes CRLS 9th graders to a variety of careers as they begin to think about their future educational and career goals.
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School Hours:
8:30AM - 3PM

Rindge School of Technical Arts (RSTA)
459 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
617.349.RSTA (7782)

Key Contacts:
Executive Director: Linda Radzvilla
Secretary: Paula Riley
Teen Health Center: 617.665.1548

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