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Marcus Tabors Bartholomew


Elementary School: Cambridgeport School
College: Brown University
Major: Marine Biology and Environmental Science
Career Aspiration: Marine Biologist

Extra Curricula
Big Band, World Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Chamber Music, Ceramics, D&D Club, MDC, Pit Band

Favorite Class at CRLS
Art. Because it allows for my creative freedom, I can express myself, make functional work, and it helps with my anxiety.

Favorite Teacher
Brenda Divelbliss. She takes really good care of everyone in dance, looks out for how we're doing, and is a great teacher when teaching dance.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
All-City Band, Las Margaritas Foundation, MSYEP

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
Increased my interest in music and gave me work experience.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
The wide range of classes and extra curriculars, because it allowed me to explore anything I wanted try.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
That we are on a block schedule and it is different from other high schools. The wide range of courses offered, in addition to the facilities to support them.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Do dance over gym, explore the arts, try out everything at Rindge, because you will find a group of friends and find something that you want to dedicate your time to.

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