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Miya Duffy

Miya Duffy

Elementary School: Cambridgeport School
College: Santa Clara University
Major: Neuroscience
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Soccer, Swimming, Habitat for Humanity

Favorite Class at CRLS
Organic chemistry is a nice mix of technical science and artistic thinking. It was like working on a 3D puzzle for a full class period every day, while getting to use a fancy tri-colored pen.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Leonard, Ms. Arocho, Ms. Murray (and Mr. Racki, but he left last year). Ms. Arocho and Ms. Leonard made my junior year enjoyable. Both of their classes helped me grow as a student, but also as a person outside of school, and that's what made them so wonderful. Ms. Murray and her Film Studies class not only gave me an acceptable reason to watch tons of movies in school, but I also learned to enjoy things I previously hated, like history and researching. They are some of the kindest people I've ever met!

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
BAYS Soccer Grades, coaching KickStart soccer, SeaDawgs

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
I met a lot of different people from other middle and elementary schools which made me more willing to do new and uncomfortable things.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
The people. Both the teachers and the students have had such an impact on me. There are so many things to learn from every person at Rindge, and it's almost intimidating seeing how smart and talented everyone is. It makes you push yourself and work that much harder.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
There are so many resources and opportunities for students, but sometimes it's hard to put in the effort and find them on your own.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Talk to people outside of your freshman friend-group. People are awesome and you should mix it up a little. Also, make an effort to talk to your teachers because they care, despite what you may think!

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