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Natalia Ruiz

Natalia Ruiz

Elementary School: Hardy School
College: UMASS Amherst
Major: Global Studies
Career Aspiration: United Nations ambassador/journalist

Extra Curricula
Acappella, drumline ensemble, concert band, varsity crew

Favorite Class at CRLS
History. I love learning about the history of cultures because its such a good insight into why the world is the way it is today, and it also is a guide as to how to make things better from here. I really value the lessons I learned from history, not just in my studies but in my life, as well.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Read has been my mentor through all of high school and has been a role model in teaching. I'd love to possibly become an educator in a foreign country, and I've learned a lot from the way Ms. Read teaches, specifically her philosophies around dealing with kids' issues outside of school. I'm very thankful that I had her in my life throughout my time at Rindge.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
Boston Children's Chorus, MYSEP, Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
I think being a musician in multiple groups was really quintessential to my development as a team player; my musical background has been a large inspiration to how I conduct my life and my studies. Being able to collaborate and communicate are two skills that I value very much, and I think being a musician helped me to develop these skills. In addition to that, working for the Mayor's program was not only incredibly fun, but it helped me develop my work ethic, my resume, and was further practice in collaborating in groups.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I love how diverse CRLS is. I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend a school consisting of so many different backgrounds. Because of that I was able to learn so much about the world through my friends.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
Despite Rindge's remarkable diversity I think the school experiences a bit of a block when it comes to having discourse. Being in Cambridge is amazing because we have so many cool opportunities, but I think being in this liberal bubble also excludes the possibility of discussion when everyone more or less shares the same political views, and those who don't are very quick to be shut down. This year especially there's been a good bit of tension around politics (not entirely unexpected given the circumstances) and I think rather than coming together and embracing differences, this school has a way of polarizing each other. I say this because upcoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors, etc. have the power to change this! I'm very hopeful for the future of Rindge.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
This school is so big, SO BIG! Don't be afraid to spread your roots from your middle school group! Your friends in four years will be completely different from your friends now. Freshman year is the time to branch out, don't be afraid of new experiences!

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