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Talia Spitz

Talia Spitz

Elementary School: King Open School
College: MIT
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Career Aspiration: Engineer

Extra Curricula
CRLS Rocket Club (captain), Harvard Physics Circle, Physics Club, CRLS Concert Band, Peer Tutor

Favorite Class at CRLS
Physics. I love that I can find physics in every part of my day. I could be biking to school, or playing the flute, or simply turning the lights off before bed. To me, physics is a collection of humanity's understanding of our universe; our way of trying to make an instruction manual for the crazy world in which we've ended up.

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Hansel is incredibly hard-working, caring, and supportive. It was her class that opened my eyes to the wonders that live in the physics corner of the STEM world. Every minute of class is valuable to her, as well as every student in her class. She engineers her teaching to reach each student as effectively as possible, and is available nearly every day for those who need extra support. Lastly, Ms. Hansel is your biggest champion. Whether it be for a summer science internship, or a lacrosse game, she's cheering for you.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I like that there is always something going on at CRLS. It could be an acapella concert, an SAT prep class, or a talk given by Samantha Power. My sense of being part of an amazing community is strengthened when I hear about all the cool events taking place.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
People should know that the students are what make up the backbone of CRLS. They advocate for themselves and their peers, and are what truly makes the CRLS community as inclusive and supportive as it is.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
The plethora of opportunities that are available to you can be a little overwhelming when you are first presented with them. My advice is to forgive yourself for not being able to take advantage of every single opportunity, and to tell yourself that it is OK to not be involved in every program or club. Choose a few activities that interest you, and go from there.

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