Elementary School: Kennedy-Longfellow
College: Fitchburg State University

Elementary School: Graham and Parks
College: Brown University

Elementary School: Baldwin School
College: UMASS Amherst

Elementary School: Cambridgeport
College: Harvard University

Elementary School: Graham and Parks
College: Bryn Mawr College

Elementary School: Gimnasio Moderno
College: UMASS Amherst

Elementary School: Cambridgeport
College: Boston University

Elementary School: King Open
College: Harvard University

Elementary School: Hop Elementary School
College: Undecided

Elementary School: Amigos, IES Fortuny, and CEIP Rufino Blanco
College: University of Massachusetts Amherst

Elementary School: Shady Hill School
College: Harvard College

Elementary School: Baldwin
College: Brown University

Elementary School: Morse
College: Howard University

Elementary School: Cambridgeport
College: Harvey Mudd College

Elementary School: Haggerty
College: University of Massachusetts Lowell

Elementary School: Fisher School
College: George Washington University

Elementary School: Haggerty, Amigos
College: Stanford University

Elementary School: Catholic School in Haiti
College: Taking the semester off to work.

Elementary School: Immaculee Conception
College: Bunker Hill Community College

Elementary School: Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. School
College: MIT

Elementary School: Robert Goddard School of Science and Technology
College: University of Massachusetts Amherst

Elementary School: Haggerty
College: Harvard