Mohammad Jihad

Mohammad Jihad
Elementary School: N/A
Upper School: N/A
Upcoming Plans: Harvard University
Area of Study/Interest: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Career Aspiration: N/A

Favorite subject at CRLS
Maths and Physics

Why is it your favorite subject?
Taking math and physics courses at CRLS has been a very transformative experience for me. I was given the opportunity to take a plethora of very challenging courses which pushed me very much but also showed me that I could overcome any challenge that came my way.

Favorite CRLS Staff Person
Mr. Gupta, Mr. Weathersby

What makes that staff person so special?
Mr. Gupta is by far one of the greatest educators I've had the pleasure of being taught by. His classroom is a very welcoming place which encourages mistakes and critical thinking. Despite the rigorous nature of the courses he teaches, he takes the time to get to know his students. Often starting his class with a story from his past or a life lesson. Followed by asking students about their weekends. Mr. Gupta is someone who is very active in the CRLS community, he is the faculty leader of many clubs, including my favorite: the hiking club! Over the years, I've really enjoyed taking down some mountains with Mr. Gupta and the rest of hiking club!

A huge shout-out to the best learning community, S and the best guidance councilor Mr. Weathersby. He was always there for me when I came across trouble. Despite his always busy schedule, he always made time for me! I am extremely greatful to have him as my guidance councilor.

Extracurricular activities, clubs, school-related activities
At CRLS : Crew team, wrestling team, National Honor Society, Charles River Clean Up Club, Hiking Club, Robotics. Outside of CRLS: City of Cambridge youth council member, Research Intern at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, System-wide Radio Technician at Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

What were some of the out-of-school time (O.S.T) programs that you participated in anytime between grades 6-12?

How did being enrolled in any O.S.T. program(s) contribute to your success both in and out of high school? 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I really liked how encouraging CRLS is when it comes to AP level classes. Many schools limit how many AP classes that students can take and which year they can take it. However at CRLS this is not the case, if I am really interested in taking a class, I am allowed to! This aspect of CRLS really allowed me to explore my interests early on.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
There are so many opportunities at CRLS, its incredible! There's so many clubs, sports teams and even an entire technical school that students can take advantage of.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen about CRLS?
Be out going, be open to try new things. And definitively do some extracurriculars!

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