
Student Learning Expectations


The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School student proficiently:

  1. Reads for information and understanding;
  2. Communicates as a writer and speaker;
  3. Represents ideas through an expressive medium;
  4. Uses deliberate thinking processes to solve problems and develop ideas;
  5. Applies a variety of technologies to build and convey understanding.


The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School student:

  1. Demonstrates interpersonal skills that enable him/her to build positive, respectful, and productive relationships;
  2. Recognizes and respects the physical, social, linguistic, and cultural differences of others;
  3. Pursues a lifestyle that fosters physical, emotional, and psychological health.


The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School student:

  1. Understands and exercises his/her rights and responsibilities as a citizen in a democratic and multicultural society;
  2. Takes responsibility for his/her own actions and behavior in every setting.
  3. Fulfills community service requirements associated with involvement in clubs and other extracurricular activities.

Please see the Academic Procedures section for information about graduation requirements, promotion and retention, course and grading policies.

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