1 David Mugar Way
Boston, MA 02114
Sports at this location:
Fall: Learn to Sail

From North or South of Boston:
93 into Boston. Take the Storrow Drive West Exit off 93. Take your
first left exit off Storrow Drive(Government Center/Kendall Square).
Enter the Charles Street rotary following signs for Storrow Drive West.
You will see the on-ramp for Storrow Drive West. Do not go up the ramp,
but instead look to the left for a large blue sign that says "MASS EYE
AND EAR PARKING". Take a ticket and park. Instead of going towards the
hospital, walk out of the parking lot the same way you came in, heading
towards Charles Street. To the right you will see a footbridge which
will take you over Storrow Drive and towards the Charles River. Cross
this footbridge and when you arrive at the end go down the stairson your
left and Community Boating will be right in front of you.
From the Mass Pike (Route 90):
the Boston/Cambridge exit (#18). Stay right up and over the ramp and
follow through one set of lights. At the second set of lights before the
river, take a right at the Double Tree Suites Hotel onto Storrow Drive
East. While on Storrow Drive, stay in the left lane and follow signs for
Downtown Boston. After passing the Hatch Shell on your left (the large
half dome), take the next right exit off Storrow Drive (Government
Center/Kendall Square). Enter the Charles Street rotary following signs
for Storrow Drive West. You will see the on-ramp for Storrow Drive West.
Do not go up the ramp, but instead look to the left for a large blue
sign that says "MASS EYE AND EAR PARKING". Take a ticket and park.
Instead of going towards the hospital, walk out of the parking lot the
same way you came in, heading towards Charles Street. To the right you
will see a footbridge which will take you over Storrow Drive and towards
the Charles River. Cross this footbridge and when you arrive at the end
go down the stairs on your left and Community Boating will be right in
front of you.
From Memorial Drive, Cambridge:
signs for Downtown Boston/Government Center. At the stop sign turn and
go over the Charles River via the Longfellow Bridge. Enter the Charles
Street rotary following signs for Storrow Drive West. You will see the
on-ramp for Storrow Drive West. Do not go up the ramp, but instead look
to the left for a large blue sign that says "MASS EYE AND EAR PARKING".
Take a ticket and park. Instead of going towards the hospital, walk out
of the parking lot the same way you came in, heading towards Charles
Street. To the right you will see a footbridge which will take you over
Storrow Drive and towards the Charles River. Cross this footbridge and
when you arrive at the end go down the stairs on your left and Community
Boating will be right in front of you.
Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) gives Community Boating members and guests
parking discounts at their facility. Parking discounts are only
available Monday-Friday after 5 p.m. and weekends and holidays after 9AM
- 10PM. Parking validation is available at Community Boating for $5.
You must provide your parking ticket and it must be time stamped within
the appropriate time in order to redeem the discount.