CRLS has made increases to the academic guideline requirements established by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) regarding student participation on interscholastic teams. To participate on a team a student must be carrying a full load of courses, which is equal to four in our case. Students must pass 3 of 4 (letter graded) classes, have an average for all classes in the prior (or most recent) marking period (report card) of 70 or greater. To be eligible for the Fall marking period, in addition to meeting the above requirement for the 4th quarter marking period, they must additionally have passed and received 40 full credits for the previous academic year, the equivalent of four traditional year-long major English courses. In addition a student cannot at any time represent a CRLS unless that student is taking courses which would provide Carnegie Units equivalent to four traditional year long major English courses.
Academic eligibility of all students shall be considered as official and determined on the published date when the report cards for that ranking period are to be issued to the parents of all students within a particular class.
If a student falls below a 70 GPA, (60.0-69.49), the student will be on Academic Probation, and it is mandatory for them to attend study hall 2 of 3 opportunities per week for a period of 2 weeks. At the end of the two weeks, the Athletic Director and Principal will review the progress reports to determine if the student-athlete can participate in interscholastic contests. The Athletic Director and Principal may also require the student to continue to attend study hall regularly until it is decided it is no longer necessary.
If a student has less than a 73 GPA, the student may be required to attend homework center 1-2 day per week before going to practice or a contest. The student-athlete will bring a note to their coach from the study hall or teacher when they show up to practice, or the contest.