Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

What is AVID?
logo_avid_home.gifThe AVID program is an honors program for high school students planning to apply to four-year colleges and universities. The program is selective and voluntary which means that students must apply and be selected to participate in the AVID elective course and program. In the AVID elective course, students study writing, inquiry, collaboration, reading, note-taking and study skills, as well as participate in college/career/motivational activities. In addition to the AVID elective teacher, AVID tutors are college students who visit the AVID classes to support learning by challenging students to understand coursework more deeply. AVID elective teachers monitor and support progress in all courses to prepare students for acceptance into the college or university of their choice. In addition to progress reports, subject area teachers fill out reports for monitoring student progress.

AVID at Our School
We are in our sixteenth year of AVID at CRLS and we feel strongly that we will continue the program far into the future. 

 Name  Role
 Sharon Lozada  9th Grade & 12th Grade AVID Teacher
 Erin Gardner  10th Grade AVID Teacher 
 Leslie Davis  11th Grade AVID Teacher & AVID Coordinator

What is required of an AVID student?
AVID students are expected to maintain good behavior, good attendance, and a GPA of 2.0-3.5. All AVID students must enroll in at least one honors course in addition to the AVID elective. Each AVID student carries a binder in which he or she is required to keep materials from all academic classes. Students keep track of assignments on assignment sheets and are required to take daily notes in all academic classes. AVID elective teachers and tutors grade the notebooks weekly for content and organization. Students participate in bi-weekly tutorials led by AVID Coaches and trained college students. In addition, students are taught study skills, test preparation, time management, and the writing process. Once selected, AVID students must commit to taking notes in subject-area classes on a daily basis and completing all homework assignments.

How can a child become an AVID student?
AVID applications are available in all elementary schools and learning community offices. For more information about the application process for incoming ninth graders, please contact Leslie Davis at 617.349.6797.

2024 - 25 AVID Facts
48 CRLS AVID students
9th grade: One section of 20
10th grade: One section of 12
11th grade: One section of 12
12th grade: One section of 14

College Tutors

Tufts University
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