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Fahedur Fahed


Elementary School: Graham and Parks School
College: Harvard College
Major: Molecular & Cellular Biology (Pre-Med Track)
Career Aspiration: Emergency Medicine Physician

Extra Curricula
Club Med, Club 4, Fencing, Lacrosse, Volunteer at Cambridge Hospital, Freshman Mentor

Favorite Class at CRLS
Science. Even as a freshman, I never found science a mundane subject and have always had a passion for it. I loved the fact that I was able to take multiple science courses in one year and was able to take advantage of various opportunities that would make the material palpable. I am grateful for the resources we had, like doing PCR in a lab at Harvard and using mtDNA to track my lineage, always having a sufficient amount of reagents for labs, fetal pigs for dissection, purifying a red fluorescent protein from E. Coli bacteria via transformation, and so much more!

Favorite Teacher
Ms. Augustine. I am elated that I took Human Anatomy & Physiology with Ms. Augustine and later became her TA. Ms. Augustine is the most charismatic teacher I know. I loved her sense of humor and playfully sardonic comments, her mastery of the content, and her being able to answer any hypothetical question thrown at her, and her ability to relate with the material by mentioning how she or her friends dealt with a certain disease. I appreciated Ms. Augustine's comprehensive lectures, where she drew detailed diagrams to help the students visualize the material and thus better understand it. She made the class laugh every day by doing things like giving silly nicknames to cells/tissues, representing dopamine as smiley faces, and talking about the slippery slope of doing drugs or becoming lazy.

I learned how to be proactive when it comes to studying for tests. With the incentive of extra credit for study guides, this motivated me to create a study guide for each and every test. I spent hours creating the study guide, and it always paid off in the end! The content was not something you could quickly review the night before since it required being able to understand the nuances of the structures and functions of each body system. Through the use of self-driven learning, Ms. Augustine taught an important lesson that students should take initiative when it comes to learning and should not always expect the information to just be given to them. This lesson makes learning a lot more productive and engaging, which will lead to better retention of the information.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
Crimson Summer Academy

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
I can definitively say that the Crimson Summer Academy (CSA) has had a profound impact on me and has molded me into the person I am today: an individual who is proud of his background as a low-income, first-generation student and who will work twice as hard to succeed, determined to hurdle any of the obstacles that impeded my aspirations. If it weren't for CSA, I would have been incredibly confused in the college application process and would not be confident in my abilities, thinking I am only capable of pursuing the safe route and not allowed to reach my full potential. This program has taught me to embody the attributes of a 'Crimson Scholar', who embraces all ideas and handles all situations with a growth mindset. CSA has taught me so much about being your own advocate and understanding that the resources are always there if you are willing to work for it.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I admire CRLS for their course catalog and its semester schedule. It was such a refreshing change to be able to sign up for the classes I wanted to take and given the prerogative of arranging my eight blocks with only the caveat of fulfilling the flexible requirements. I love the 80-minute classes at CRLS because it truly offers an opportunity to delve into the material and not have as much homework as opposed to schools with seven 45-minute classes. The course catalog at CRLS is amazing! I felt so overwhelmed when I first saw the multitude of classes that I could potentially take and how it truly felt like a taste of college. I am appreciative of Rindge for offering courses like Anatomy & Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Psychology, Teaching Assistant, almost all of the AP classes, RSTA, and internships that would immerse oneself in a certain career field. I could never take for granted the fact that CRLS is the only public school in a city like Cambridge. I genuinely cannot fathom the amount of money that is invested into each student at Rindge and the school itself, fostering everyone to pursue what they are passionate about. The City of Cambridge does a phenomenal job of prioritizing education, and CRLS truly does fulfill its motto of‚ "opportunity, diversity, and respect."

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
The Visual & Performing Arts department at CRLS is exceptional! From all of the fall musicals, MDC shows, a cappella jams, concerts, and spring plays I've had the privilege of attending, I can without a doubt say that CRLS has immeasurable talent. I am so lucky that I get to live right down the street from Rindge for the next four years and can come back to witness wonderful performances. It should be known that CRLS is a very welcoming place and that anyone can get involved in the arts. In fact, it is encouraged you get out of your comfort zone and try something new. I used to adamantly believe I was artistically inept until I was required to take an art class this year to fulfill the arts credits. I was fortunate enough to get into the notoriously full ceramics class and subsequently fell in love with the abstract nature of clay and glaze.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Please do community service for the sake of helping others and your humanity, not just to get hours to qualify for NHS or to simply give the semblance that you're a charitable person in your college applications. Everyone should definitely volunteer for one dinner shift at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter with Club 4, where you will become a better cook and can catch up on all of the gossip of Rindge from all types of CRLS students! Moreover, you can sit down at the end of the night to share a meal with a guest and engage in meaningful conversations. This experience is incredibly profound, and it truly has altered the way I perceive homelessness.

If you find yourself falling in love with a class, talk to the teacher after class and you will see an organic conversation form about their life and how the material you are learning can relate to the world around you. In my experience, these conversations were often more insightful than the content from class. I found that I was most successful in a class when I started to personalize the information that I was learning just by connecting with the teacher.

Get to know your guidance counselor the second you get to Rindge! I am so glad I got to know Ms. Mace and confide in her over the years. Your guidance counselor will be one of your greatest resources at CRLS. They will help you pursue whatever you're passionate about and facilitate the process of taking advantage of the numerous opportunities offered both in and out of CRLS. Become friends with your guidance counselor and your high school experience will become so much better!

Advocate for yourself both financially and academically at all times! I did not realize until senior year that I could receive financial assistance on school events. Just know that you don't have to struggle on your own and that you should always ask for help when you cannot afford something. You should ensure that your guidance counselor and teachers are aware of your extenuating circumstances. Do not ever be afraid of opening up and reaching out for help! They will be more than accommodating and do what is needed to provide you with a safe and prosperous learning environment.

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