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Pascal Beckert-McGirr


Elementary School: German International School of Boston
College: Harvard University
Major: Philosophy/Government
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Extra Curricula
Soccer Captain, Theatre, Club 4, Mentoring

Favorite Class at CRLS
History. The teachers who make up the field of history at CRLS are some of my favorite teachers at the high school. Ms. Otty, Mr. Kann, and Ms. Hylton are all three teachers who fundamentally changed my impression of the world. Not only did the history courses here at CRLS teach me about History and its importance, they also taught me about empathy, the importance of learning, and discussion. Along with learning the actual content, the discussion-based portion of these classes teach as much if not more than the actual curriculum. All the history teachers I have had have been passionate, intelligent, and kind and created a desire in me to learn more and to always question what I thought I knew.

Favorite Teacher
Mr. Jordan, Ms. Hylton, Ms. Otty. As I respond to that question, I feel inclined to add more and more names to that list. I owe a huge thanks to Mr. Jordan, Ms. Hylton, Ms. Otty, Mr. Kann, Ms. Miceli, Ms. Piotrowski, Ms. Colby, and of course the two teachers who taught me both in the classroom and out, Mr. Cramp, and Ms. Murray.

Each of these teachers gave me something different. Mr. Kann always wished the best for his students and pushes them to be the best they can be. Ms. Miceli and Ms. Piotrowski both inspired my love of French and of languages. Ms. Colby who through her fun, lightheartedness convinced me to try to better understand the natural world. Mr. Cramp and Ms. Murray taught me the importance of creativity, and kindness. Ms. Hylton and Ms. Otty expanded my views of the world and broadened my mind. All these teachers and more have shown me how much they care about their students and their work, and more so than anything else this has made me appreciate them all beyond words.

Mr. Jordan in his own quirky ways shows his students how much he cares. He cares about the people beyond the grades and wants to sit down with you and talk to you. His door is always open to chat about classwork, readings, life, death or anything else you could possibly imagine. He pushes every one of his students to challenge themselves. He asks questions few other people will. He never asks a question hoping you have the right answer, he asks questions that challenge you to consider things you would otherwise not have considered.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
Again I have to emphasize that it truly was the teaching staff who brought out the best in me and made me incredibly grateful to have attended CRLS.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
The best electives come after you finish History requirements

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Meet with your teachers, they are interesting and want to talk to you. Also go to the 5th floor when its snowing.

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