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Lily Winston Grob


Elementary School: Baldwin School
College: Harvard College
Major: Cognitive Science (Psychology -- mind, brain, and behavior)
Career Aspiration: Who knows!? Lab director? Cognitive Therapist? Behavioral Economist? Movie Star? Only time will tell.

Extra Curricula
Drama (@ CRLS - 2018 Play Creations class/Drama Festival, 8 years @ Arlington Children's Theatre), Improv Club, Golf Team (JV Captain, heck yeah! )

Favorite Class at CRLS
Drama. I never sort my CRLS classes into subjects, because each one is such a different experience based off of the teacher. This means that one semester Math might be my favorite, and the next, Spanish! That said, the one subject, or rather department, that I could not have done without, is Drama. I have taken almost every drama class, and each one has been a eye-opening, warm experience. Monica Murray and Brett Cramp put all their energy towards creating a welcoming, supportive, and united classroom where students can explore theatre and themselves. As cheesy as this sounds, it is true. I have learned so much about who I am, and who I want to be, in the Arts basement. I've made my closest friends, pushed myself the hardest, and found the most reward.

Favorite Teacher
I know I'm cheating but... Ms. Janani Nathan, my guidance counselor, LCL. First of all, if you are reading this now and were a teacher of mine, I want to thank you. Each of you have been so supportive and approachable: so inspiring. I will never forget all that you have done for me. Special shout outs to Mr. Benson, Ms. Maloney, Mr. Patterson, Ms. Murray, Mr. Cramp, Ms. Stomberg, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Labaze, Ms. Otty, Ms. Weisbart, Ms. Berz, Mr. Landwehr, and Ms. King.
That said, if there is one person who has helped me through these past four years most, it is Ms. Nathan. She may not be a teacher, but she has taught me more than anyone else could have. She has supported me, guided me, acted as my therapist and my advocate. I am eternally grateful.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I've been a public school girl all my life (go Baldwin, woooo!) and I really do think it is the best. The diversity of the people has given me a perspective on the world that not everyone has access to, and most of all, empathy, which I believe is the most powerful tool of them all.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
It is such a unique place. Despite some deep flaws (which have been made visible by my truly inspiring classmates and I trust will continue to be battled) I really think CRLS is a place that inspires its students to thrive. It beats any private school -- send your kids here!

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Don't fall into the AP trap! Unless you are taking the class for interest's sake, it is not worth it! Most of my favorite classes have been HN or CP, and it makes me so upset to think of all the fantastic experiences kids are missing out on just to fill up the AP quota. Education should be about passion and connection, not about tests or labels.

And, make friends with all of the adults at the school; say hi to Mr. Gaglione in the hallways; meet with your Guidance Counselor even if it's just to check in about how the month has been; see your teacher after school. Do everything you can to make even the smallest connections, because there will be a time when you need these people to pull through for you.

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