The Unsung Heroes program, sponsored by The Friends of CRLS, is designed to recognize and honor those emerging learners who play a positive role in the CRLS community. Students will be selected for excellence or marked improvement in any/all of the following categories:
- Leadership
- Community Service
- Citizenship
- Attendance
- Athletics
- Character
- Academic Performance and Studentship
- Stewardship/Contribution to a Positive School Climate
Staff/Teacher Unsung Hero Award
Staff will be selected for excellence in any/all of the following categories:
- Leadership
- Community Service and commitment to CRLS
- Positive influence on students
- SUPER fan (regularly present at athletic events, VPA performances/exhibits)
- Demonstrated Student Support
- Innovative lessons
- Contribution to a Positive School Climate
- Team player (department, LC and CRLS community)
Nominations for both Teacher/Staff and student awards are submitted by ALL members of the school community. This includes teachers, staff members, guidance counselors, social workers, administrators, and students. A committee will review the prospective candidates’ applications and select one student per grade per learning community and one staff/teacher per learning community.