Team Up with TEALS Program as a Classroom Teacher

Team Up with TEALS Program as a Classroom Teacher
Posted on 04/23/2018
Dear Cambridge & the Greater CRLS Community,

In cooperation with Microsoft Corporation’s TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) initiative, Cambridge Rindge & Latin School has built a very successful Computer Science program. In just five years, the program has grown to where next year we will be offering 4 sections of Introduction to Computer Science, 6 sections of AP (Advanced Placement) Computer Science and 4 sections of AP Computer Science Principles. That translates to over 200 students in these classes!!

We have a wonderful opportunity for you to get involved with our program by teaming up with TEALS as a classroom teacher. TEALS is a grassroots program that recruits, mentors and places passionate high tech professionals into high school classes as part-time teachers. The professional brings his or her subject knowledge and will join one of our CRLS classroom teachers in a team-teaching model. TEALS provides training for both parties as well as course outlines based on successful college courses.

The Introduction to Computer Science class is based on the award winning UC (University of California) Berkeley CS10 course and is adapted specifically for high schools in conjunction with UC Berkeley. AP Computer Science and AP Computer Science Principles prepares students to take the College Board’s AP computer science exams in May.

Because our enrollment has increased so rapidly we are trying to recruit volunteers from the Computer Science or Software Engineering fields to team-teach these courses. CRLS would run all TEALS assisted classes during 1st period (8:05 – 9:25AM) to permit the volunteers be in class at CRLS and then to get to their regular jobs.

If you or someone you know works in the Computer Science or Software Engineering field and would be willing to help CRLS to continue building a successful Computer Science program, please contact me as soon as possible. I can answer any questions you may have and pass along your information to the TEALS coordinators at Microsoft. You can read more about TEALS on their website. Volunteering information can be found here.

I am excited to offer you this opportunity and I look forward to hearing from you.


Jeffrey T. Gaglione
Dean of Curriculum & Program
Mathematics Department & Learning Community S
Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School
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