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Tarma Romica Chery

Tarma Chery
Elementary School: Immaculee Conception
College: Bunker Hill Community College
Major: Nursing
Career Aspiration: Nurse

Extra Curricula

Favorite Class at CRLS
Math is my favorite because, it is a challenge to solve the problems, and it helps my brain to think better.

Favorite Teacher
Mr. Figueroa helped me a lot with my English and he's always there for me when I have a problem. He always gives me good advice. He supports me a lot.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
Enroot gave me support for homework help, practice my English, and plan for college. I got to do different non-school activities like an internship with them.

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
As student when you have a problem, there is a lot of support right away from everyone. There is a lot of support for immigrant students.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
Many students who don't know how to speak English can go to CRLS where they will teach you how to speak and read. There are different activities that students can start doing at CRLS no matter what students are interested in doing in the future. There are many different options like mechanics, ceramics, health care, the arts.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Keep working work and keep your GPA high! If you do not understand something or are having a hard time, find and connect with a teacher who will help you. Try to be involved with different activities that can help you do things like find scholarships or go to college.

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