Extra Curricula
Step team, BSU and Volleyball
Favorite Class at CRLS
Music and literature because, I am so passionate about music and I am literally allowed to say my opinion about music without being shutdown.
Favorite Teacher
Ms. Reese. She tries to do anything and everything for the students in CRLS and most of it goes unsung, so we need to start noticing her hard work for the CRLS community.
What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
Workforce, Moses Youth Center
How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
Workforce was a very helpful and useful resource way to keep up with everything throughout school and outside school. Area 4 or Moses Youth Center I should say helped when I was in the 7th grade because, there was a certain time for homework and help with the homework, so it was very helpful.
What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
Being around the people. I think this is because I've learned so much from people. I learned some people aren't who they say they are and just a lot about different things that I didn't expect. At the same time too, I am happy I got to be around every single person I interacted with, even if they were a learning opportunity, I appreciate them.
What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
It's not that big once you know your way around it. It's not hard as long you stay on everything that you gotta do and most of the adults from the principal to the teachers to the security and even the custodians are just so nice and genuine. It surprises me how close I got to some of my teachers throughout the four years of being at CRLS.
Advice to Incoming Freshmen
Some advice I would give to them is to make every year count. It may be your first year of high school and you just want to have fun but, yes it does count. Colleges do look at your freshmen year. Don't wander the hallways because you're bored and you don't want to be in class anymore because, being in class does matter. Do have fun, enjoy it completely because those four years will be the best and worst years of your life.
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