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Antonio Escallon

Elementary School: Gimnasio Moderno
College: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Major: Environmental Science
Career Aspiration: Wildlife Filmmaking

Extra Curricula
Habitat for Humanity, Student Government, Environmental Action Club, Cross Country, Track and Field, and Club 4.

Favorite Class at CRLS
History. The history classes that I've taken at CRLS have changed my perspective of the world and shaped me as an individual. This was of course thanks to the amazing teachers that make up the department. Each special in their own way. Mr. Landwehr, with his love and excitement for history and teaching which first sparked my interest for the subject. Dr. Weaver, who pushed me to work harder than I've ever had, never lowered her expectations, and, as I struggled, always believed in me. Dr. Lam, who made a class with an incredible amount of work flow properly and show clearly the trends and connections in history. Her course design allowed us to learn and understand as much as humanly possible of the 2700 year interval of history that make up the course.

Finally, Mr. Bixler, who's incredible charisma, love for history, and modesty allowed him to have an instant connection with all of his students. In his class-based discussion, he challenged our assumptions and ideas in a way that made the content incredibly fascinating and coherent. I looked forward to his class everyday, where I knew that I would not only find a great teacher, but also an incredible human being, who's memory will be forever with us.

Favorite Teacher
All of the previously mentioned teachers, and many more. Mr. Tubinis, for always having his door opened for me and never failing to push me to new limits.

Mr. Patterson, for being the best math teacher I've ever had. Who taught me math in a way that became enjoyable and exciting, and never lost faith in me.

Mr. Dagher, who never failed to make me laugh and introduced me to a world and language I knew little of.

Mr. Prince and Mr. Cody, who through their tough training and constant motivation helped me grow physically and mentally. My track experience in this school has been memorable, and it was mainly because of them. I can't t think of any other dynamic duo with which I would want to spend hours in bus rides and track meets. I will miss Prince's loud screams of encouragement and great sense of humor and Cody's insightful debriefs after races.

What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?

How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
The incredible staff and the diversity of students. I never expected my experience in this school to be so incredible. The different opportunities and classes offered to me have opened my world in so many different ways. Even when I was hanging out with new friends after school, I was still learning about new ideas and cultures.
Hopefully the system will be set up in the future so that every incoming student is helped and encouraged to exploit these incredible resources, like I did.

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why? 
The food and especially the soups in the cafeterias are outstanding.

Advice to Incoming Freshmen
“Comfort, the enemy of progress.” – P.T. Barnum
Don't be afraid to meet new people, have awkward and tough experiences, and struggle. Try everything you can, and challenge yourself, even if it is frightening to do so. In addition to this, never forget that everyone around you is going through their own struggle. When possible, offer a helping hand to a friend or stranger.

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