Extra Curricula
I tutor a 7th grader at my old middle school, Vassal Lane Upper School, in all of her core subjects, and I am a member of Intersectional Feminism Club, where we have workshops and conversations about feminism.
Favorite Class at CRLS
Math is my favorite subject at CRLS because it challenges me in a way that other subjects don’t. It requires a form of logical thinking and problem solving that motivates me to want to learn more.
Favorite Teacher
Ms. Hughes, the health assisting level three teacher. Ms. Hughes is an extraordinary teacher because her teaching goes above and beyond the classroom. She takes certified nursing assistants in training to work with elderly residents at a long term care facility. This is something that requires empathy and compassion to do. Ms. Hughes also truly cares for her students and she works hard to help them be successful.
What are some of the out-of-school time (OST) programs that you participated in between grades 6 - 12?
I have worked for the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP) for two summers. My freshman year of high school I worked at my local library and my sophomore year I was a secretary’s assistant for a nonprofit organization.
How did being enrolled in any OST program(s) contribute to your success in and out of high school?
MSYEP allowed me to get true work experience in an immersive and accessible way. I learned about how libraries and small companies work during my two summers, and those experiences have taught me to be a more organized, responsible, and diligent person.
What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
What I like most about CRLS is that there are many opportunities to follow your passions, academically and otherwise. There are so many classes, sports, and clubs that are unique to Rindge. If I did not attend CRLS, I never would have become a Certified Nursing Assistant through the school’s RSTA program, share my passion for feminism with my classmates, or learn how to sail on the Charles River.
What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
People who are unfamiliar with CRLS should know that while the school may seem overwhelming at first, it is easy to find people you can relate to and things that make you feel passionate and motivated. It is nice to be able to shape your own experience at CRLS.
Advice to Incoming Freshmen
The advice I’d give to incoming freshman would be to focus on your academics, build friendships, and try new things. Freshman year is a great time to start learning about who you are, and what you might want to do in the future. It’s also okay to make mistakes in your freshman year because, you will be able to learn from them and use that knowledge in your later high school years.
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