Kaliher Johnston

Kaliher Johnson
Elementary School: Cambridgeport
College: Mount Holyoke College
Major: Undecided (Arts + Humanities)
Career Aspiration: Undecided

Favorite subject at CRLS
Criminal Justice 

Why is it your favorite subject?
Ms.Campbell once said that the class should probably be called Criminal Injustice - she was joking, but she was also right. Due to the nature of the subject we tackled a lot of nuanced issues and had some difficult discussions, but I felt like our class meshed really well and had a lot of fun together. Ms. Campbell is such a sweetheart and made her classroom a really welcoming environment.

Favorite CRLS Staff Person
Mr. Cohen

What makes that staff person so special?

I had Mr. Cohen freshman year and again junior year, so he's really been there to watch me develop as a student (and especially as a writer). He's the adult in the building that I know I could come to if I had a personal issue or an achievement to share. There's always a crowd in his room at lunch, so I know a lot of people feel the same.

Extracurricular activities, clubs, school-related activities

Art Club, Register Forum, National Honor Society

What were some of the out-of-school time (O.S.T) programs that you participated in anytime between grades 6-12?

How did being enrolled in any O.S.T. program(s) contribute to your success both in and out of high school? 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
This year in particular has been difficult for everyone, but I've felt really connected and appreciative my peers who are working against the system to try to address the many issues we still have at CRLS. I'm constantly impressed by the students here and the work that they do. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
There are so many clubs and opportunities that it can be super overwhelming. Do what you're genuinely interested in, not what you think will look good on your transcript.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen about CRLS?
1. JOIN CLUBS!! I know that's super cliche- but somehow I still neglected to listen. I was super socially anxious and didn't join any clubs until my junior year, which meant it was harder to make friends and I wasn't able to hold any leadership positions. Don't be like me!!

2. Stop comparing yourself to others. There's nothing wrong with not doing as many activities or not taking as many APs as someone else. having other priorities (family, mental health, etc) doesn't make you any less worthy or mean you'll be any less successful. 

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