William Kaufmann

Willian Kaufman
Elementary School: Amigos School
College: Harvard College
Major: History and Applied Mathematics
Career Aspiration: Naval Officer, then Business

Favorite subject at CRLS
History and Statistics

Why is it your favorite subject?
Both departments have incredible teachers at all levels of CRLS, I particularly enjoyed my history track, where I was able to take a very broad range of classes with some incredible instructors and peers.

Favorite CRLS Staff Person
Mr Whitfield, Dr Lam, Mr Nicholson, Mrs Brisk, Mrs Davis, and Mr MG

What makes that staff person so special?

I had a lot of impactful teachers from my time at CRLS from many different places, including RSTA , STEM and CM teachers. One teacher in particular who was an incredible influence on me was Mr. Whitfield. His teaching style forces you to think critically, to engage in meaningful conversation with both him and your peers, and most importantly; question everything about the world around you. And incredibly, this all happens under the guise of being an AP Statistics class, in which you actually learn all of the required material quite well.

Extracurricular activities, clubs, school-related activities

I was a 2 year captain of both the football and wrestling teams. Played a season of baseball and rugby. Violin at the New England Conservatory. Member of Editorial Board for The Word

What were some of the out-of-school time (O.S.T) programs that you participated in anytime between grades 6-12?

How did being enrolled in any O.S.T. program(s) contribute to your success both in and out of high school? 

What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
I particularly enjoyed my teachers, I had many teachers that had huge impacts on me not only as a student but as a person. They are a very intelligent collection of people, from many different homes and educational paths, and yet manage to create meaningful connections with students from this very distinct city. 

What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
It is a very different school than other places, there is such a wide breadth of people, it is a place where the only way to truly understand it is to live it.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen about CRLS?
As I mentioned, CRLS is an incredible place with a massive diversity of people, experiences, and opportunities. This means that you can probably do more at CRLS than you could at some colleges, there is just THAT much to do. But an important thing to remember is that because of the size of the school, it is easy and natural to find a group of people who you feel comfortable with and exclusively spend your time with them. I encourage you to walk the line there, both find the people who you like the most and surround yourself with them, but don't walk into Rindge with a closed mindset, you will never be able to experience the true value of the school without going outside of your comfort zone. Whether that means taking an elective you are unfamiliar with, or joining a new club or sport, it will make your time here that much more valuable.

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