Favorite subject at CRLS
Why is it your favorite subject?
I have always loved the discussions that come from history classes. History classes have provided me a space where I can further explore my interests, and also have meaningful informative conversations with my classmates.
Favorite CRLS Staff Person
Ms. Sandoval
What makes that staff person so special?
Ms. Sandoval is a kind and caring person who has always provided me with a safe space to go to. I have worked with Ms. Sandoval for over a year and she helped me understand and explore the various topics I was interested in. Ms. Sandoval was the teacher that made me realize that I wanted to study political science/history in college, and was really helpful in guiding me through the college process. I truly look up to Ms. Sandoval and I am very grateful for having spent over a year with her since she has taught me so much.
Extracurricular activities, clubs, school-related activities
Sisters On The Runway, Lacrosse, Environmental Action Club
What were some of the out-of-school time (O.S.T) programs that you participated in anytime between grades 6-12?
Summer Youth Mayors Program
How did being enrolled in any O.S.T. program(s) contribute to your success both in and out of high school?
I was in the Mayors Program for my first two years of high school, and through the program I learn a lot about how to work and collaborate with others.
What did you like most about CRLS? Why?
CRLS provided me a space to explore and understand various passions of mine. I knew I was always able to go to a teacher for help and guidance on how to achieve what I wanted to. The teachers are also fantastic at CRLS and were an amazing support system for me.
What is something people unfamiliar with CRLS should know about the school? Why?
It's really easy to get caught up in obsessing over your grades at CRLS and at most schools too. Sometimes it can feel really stressful to try to navigate all that is happening around you, but the teachers are excellent at helping students. One thing you have to learn to do at CRLS is to ask for help and to reach out to others since it can go a long way.
What advice would you give incoming freshmen about CRLS?
Explore what you want to! There are so many amazing classes at CRLS that I wish I had taken and never got the chance to. Everything can get really overwhelming really fast, but it's so important to try to establish a support system for yourself and to find ways to let stress out in healthy ways. Try new things since there are so many unique opportunities around you, even though it might take a bit to find.
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